- Hussein rs authority 侯赛因的政权
- President Saddam Hussein rs palace compound 萨达姆·候赛因的总统官邸建筑物
- Saddam Hussein rs hometown of Tikrit 萨达姆家乡提克里特
- Saddam Hussein rs palace compound 萨达姆·候赛因的官邸建筑物
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- The papal authority is sovereign. 罗马教皇的权力是至高无上的。
- Only the treasurer has authority to sign cheques. 只有司库有权签署支票。
- The leader must be a person of authority. 领袖必须是有权威的人。
- His voice carries the ring of authority. 他的声音中带有权威的口气。
- Supreme authority resides in the President/State. 最高权力属於总统[国家]。
- He's in the care of the local authority. 他归地方当局管。
- This poem fully expresses the author rs feelings. 这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者的情感。
- A challenger of established authority. 向确定的权威挑战的人
- Saddam Hussein rs ouster 逐出萨达姆·侯赛因
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- We see him as an authority on the subject. 我们把他看作为这方面的权威。
- Saddam Hussein rs Baath Party 萨达姆·侯赛因领导的复兴社会党
- He is an authority on international law. 他是一位国际法权威。
- Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons. 萨达姆拥有化学武器。
- She is known for overreaching her authority. 大家都知道她越权。