- He bagged a few deers on the hunting trip. 他在打猎中捕获了几只野鹿。
- He brought down several wild ducks on his last hunting trip. 他最后一次出猎打到了几只野鸭。
- Turned my 4-wheeler over while speeding on a solitary hunting trip. 当我独自高速旅行时翻转我的4个车轮,
- The Canadian fur trader had a fine load of furs to sell after his hunting trip. 加拿大毛皮商人打猎回来,有大量的毛皮出售。
- The remark, from an interview with NBC, referred to the shotgun blast by Cheney on a hunting trip that accidentally wounded a companion. 他在接受美国全国广播公司采访时发表的评论,显示是指切尼副总统在一次打猎活动中开枪误伤了一名猎友的事件。
- Theodore Roosevelt was often called Teddy, and after one particular hunting trip this nickname took on a new meaning. 罗斯福常被称为泰迪,但经过一趟特别的狩猎旅行后,这个绰号被赋与了一个新的意义。
- On day, Eleanor's husband, Babo, went to Africa in a hunting trip accompanied by Freder. 一天.他陪埃莉诺的丈夫鲍伯去非洲打猎。
- On day, Eleanors husband, Babo, went to Africa in a hunting trip accompanied by Freder. 一天.他陪埃莉诺的丈夫鲍勃去非洲打猎。
- During a hunting trip in Mississippi in 1902, Roosevelt refused to shoot at a trapped American Black Bear, deeming this unsportsmanlike. 据说泰迪熊的名字源于罗斯福1902年在密西西比州的一次猎熊。罗斯福拒绝杀掉一只被套住的美洲黑熊,并称之为"非体育道德行为"。
- On his first ever hunting trip, in the calm of the Patagonian forest, his dreams are made reality with one squeeze of the trigger. 和警匪片不同在于没有太多的枪战和搏斗,更多的是刻画人物的心理和命运的捉弄。
- The teddy bear derived from 26th U.S. president Theodore ("Teddy") Roosevelt's refusal to shoot a bear with her cub while on a hunting trip in Mississippi. 美国著名玩具泰迪熊的名字源自美国第26任总统西奥多-罗斯福(他的小名叫泰迪)。罗斯福有一次在密西西比州打猎时遇见一只母熊,因其身带一只幼熊仔而不忍心捕猎,将其放生。
- "Delta Autumn," in which Isaac McCaslin, now an old man, goes on a final hunting trip to the Mississippi River Delta, where he meets a young woman who has had Carothers Edmonds's child. “三角洲秋”中,伊萨克为McCaslin ,现在的老人,接着最后的狩猎旅行的密西西比河三角洲地区,在那里他遇见了年轻女子谁已卡罗瑟斯埃德蒙兹的孩子。
- Bitterroot Elk - Agent for non-residents wishing to book big game hunting trips. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip. 总的来说,我们这次旅行很愉快。
- Perfect for inside dog houses, crates, backyards, boats, for camping, on hunting trips or wherever your nature loving pooch may need a nature resistant bed. 狗咬胶是我们公司的传统产品,经过10几年的生产销售,已经在国际市场上颇具知名度。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. 我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。
- I think the trip may give me time to simmer down. 我以为这次旅行会给我时间冷静下来。
- The boys went hunting with their falcon. 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。