- Hunan contemporary literature 湖南现代文学
- I don't like contemporary literature. 我不喜欢当代文学。
- His book on contemporary literature also glances at the customs of ancient cultures. 他的那部论述当代文学的书也顺便提到了古代文化中的一些风俗习惯。
- He even followed the development of contemporary literature. 他甚至还留心着现代文学的发展。
- Do We Have Masters in the Study of Chinese Contemporary Literature? 中国现代文学研究有学术大师吗?
- Where Is the Major Resource of Contemporary Literature and Art's Construction? 当代文艺学建设的主要资源在哪里?
- contemporary literature of Hunan 湖南当代
- The scholar specializing in Korean Contemporary Literature transfers to study S.Korean Contemporary Literature. 专攻朝鲜当代文学的学者转而研究韩国当代文学。
- As a kind of theory study, intertextuality made a start on the linguistics turning of contemporary literature theory. 一番细读和思考后会发现,“互文性”与“博尔赫斯”是相得益彰的两个关键词,可以互相给以阐释和生发。
- Xiao Hong is an authoress with unique style and outstanding talent in the history of China’s Contemporary literature. 萧红是中国现代文学史上一位风格独特、极富才情的女作家。
- However, both Chinese nation spirits and Chinese contemporary literature have transitionary limitations. 近代中华民族精神和中国近代文学都有过渡性的局限。
- Fictions on the subject of intellectuals make their special sense in contemporary literature history in china. 摘要知识分子题材小说在中国当代文学史上具有特殊的意义。
- Saga novel is one of the most important mature genres in the contemporary literature. 摘要长篇小说创作是中国当代文坛最重要、更是发育得较为充分的文体之一。
- Zhou Zuoren is a famous yet arguable literature critics and writer in the Chinese contemporary literature history. 周作人是中国现代文学史上著名的却有争议的文艺评论家和作家。
- Under the limitation on writers' identity, the richness and complexity of contemporary literature has been cleared up. 在作家身份的规约下,当代文学形态的丰富性、复杂性被逐一清理掉。
- Some people like contemporary literature better because writers live in the same times often write about their ideas and opinions of modern life. 有些人更喜欢当代文学是因为和他们同时代的作家经常写些现代生活中跟他们有关的观点和想法。
- As the query of subjective consciousness grew of religion and ethical values, a pluralistic tendency of irony has occurred in the texts of modern and contemporary literature. 随着主体意识对宗教、伦理价值体系的质疑,现当代文学文本中出现了反讽的多元化倾向。
- Literary criticism is an indispensable way of writing in contemporary literature, an important element that continuously activates its potentiality of thinking. 文学批评当然是当代文学中不可或缺的一种书写方式,是不断激活其思考能力的重要因素。
- Each epoch has its own definition of contemporary literature, literature that reflects the information of life that synchroni zes with it . 每一个时代都有它对当代文学的定义,也就是指反映了与之同步发展的生活信息的文学创作。
- At the begining or 20century,luxun as inaugurator and founder of Chinese contemporary literature whose creation impact later many Chinese writer. 鲁迅作为二十世纪的初的中国现代文学的开创者和奠基者,