- Feuerbach resolves the religious essence into the human essence. 费尔巴哈把宗教的本质归结为人类的本质。
- But the human essence is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. 但是人的本质并不是每个人固有的抽象物。
- Leisure consumption confirms and embodies human value existence and human essence from one side. 休闲消费从一个侧面确证和体现人的价值存在和人的本质。
- Human essence is internal relation of rich and varied needs,that's overstepping nature. 人的本质就是丰富多样的各种需要之间的内在联系,即超越性。
- The reason why Marx can exceed Feuerbach's human essence theory mainly lies in the establishment of practice lookout. 马克思之所以能够超越费尔巴哈的人的本质理论,主要是由于实践观的确立。
- Practice as human essence decides that people are always living in the two dimensions of both real and ideal world. 摘要人的实践的超越本质决定了人总是同时生活在现实和理想信念的双重维度中。
- Researching on the definition of value must be based on the need of human being so as to affirm the human essence of value. 在哲学语境中探讨价值的定义,必需以人的需要为根据,确认“以人为本”的价值本性。
- Feuerbach's viewpoint on human essence was based on the animadversion of Hegel's idealistic human essence point of view. 摘要费尔巴哈的人的本质观,是在批判黑格尔唯心主义的人的本质观的基础上建立起来的。
- According to Erich Fromm, human productive potentialities can bring into play the human essence;alienation is the negation of human productive nature. 摘要在弗洛姆看来,人的生产性潜能发挥出人的本质,异化是对人的生产性本能的否定。
- The pure human essence of the two great nations of Iran and the United States testify to the veracity of these statements. 我们都会厌弃黑暗,虚伪,谎言,曲解,而去寻找和羡慕那些乐于助人,善于启迪,真诚待人,诚实守信的人
- Marx, by proceeding with the analysis of human in reality, conquered the contradiction in Feuerbach's human essence theory and founded scientific human essence theory. 马克思从分析现实的人入手,克服了费尔巴哈人的本质理论的矛盾,建立了科学的人的本质理论。
- When political situation was not tense and when he was not so concerned about the human essence of class, his theoretical constitution would sparkle with aesthetics that had gone beyond the historical limitations. 当周扬在较为宽松的政治语境下,不经意间偶尔偏离了人之阶级性本质规定时,他的理论构建就会闪现出能够超越一定历史局限性的美学光辉。
- This is also the sublimated humanization essence of the modern building art and building science. 这也正是现代建筑艺术和建筑科学的升华了的人性化的本质。
- Still, Jung did not teach the return of human essence to the Gnostic pleroma, where individuality was lost, but instead adhered to individuation, which maintained the fullness of human individuality. 容格仍然没有教导人类回归诺斯替派的佩雷若玛的精华要素,在那里个性已经消失,但取而代之的是粘附着的个性化,维持着人类个性的圆满。
- In the aspect of the recognition, the recognition of the essence and ultimate purpose of the ideological and politucal education, the human essence and psychological development are the key points. 在思想认识方面,对思想政治教育本质,根本目的认识,对人的本质和心理发展的认识是关键;
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Human rights are the confirmation of human essences by human beings themselves and property rights are rights based on the ownership of property. 摘要人权是人类对自身本质的一种确认,而产权是基于财产的权利;
- natural formation of human essence 天出其精
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。