- Human with nature and society 人与自然
- Disaster has properties of both nature and society. 灾害有着自然和社会的双重属性。
- Complex networks exist in nature and society widely. 复杂网络广泛存在于自然界和社会中.
- As the subject of culture,the human is characterized by the unity of nature and society,productivity and expense,creativity and destructivity,consciousness and blindness. 人作为文化主体具有自然性与社会性相统一、生产性与消费性相统一、创造性与破坏性相统一、自觉性与盲目性相统一等特征。
- The joy in communion with nature and one\'s soul is an unbelievable experience! 在与自然界及你灵魂的交流中的欢乐是一个难以置信的体验!
- Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society. 哲学是关于自然和社会知识总结、概括的一门学科。
- It possess important actual significance and deep historical significance for Marx-Engels on Sustainable Development idea of being harmony human with nature. 马克思恩格斯关于人与自然和谐的可持续发展思想具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。
- In the process of transforming the nature and society, if human beings don't abandon the utilitarian view of value, they can't avoid worthless existence, or head for the free kingdom. 人在改造自然和社会的实践中如果不摒弃狭隘的功利价值观念就不能避免在毫无价值的状态中生存,就不会走向马克思所设想的自由王国。
- I intend to enter the new dream in which I share in the dance of life equally with nature and all others. 我意愿进入到我与大自然及其它万物在生活之舞中一起平等分享的新梦想当中。
- The sustainable development view made the development of human,nature and society mixed together with higher altitude and broader vision and showed a fire-new idea of development to human being. 可持续发展观,以更高的境界、更广的视野,把人、自然、社会的发展融合到一起,为人类展示了一种全新的发展观念。
- First, this is becomes with natural and the field sapphire carefulmanufacture. 一、本品是用天然和田青玉精心制作而成。
- They will be better able to control the variables of nature and society that affect their destiny. 他们将能更好地控制影响其命运的自然和社会的问题。
- Philosophy is the generalization and summation of the knowledge of nature and society. 哲学是关于自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。
- The emergence of pottery opened a new chapter in utilizing, changing and struggling with nature and it was a milestone in human's laboring and development history. 陶器的出现,揭开了人类利用自然、改造自然、与自然作斗争的新篇章,是人类生产发展史上的一个里程碑。
- Man is engaged in a constant struggle with Nature. 人类与大自然进行不懈的斗争。
- Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。
- He draw an analogy between human body and society. 他将人体和社会作了类比。
- I often walk by the sea to commune with nature. 我常在海滨漫步,与大自然神交。
- Buharin considers nature and society as a whole and studies its dynamic balanceable relationship as a system. 系统之动态平衡思想以其鲜明的特色和理论高度构成了布哈林经济哲学思想的核心。
- We no longer believe that nature and society, or nature and the city, are dialectically opposing systems. 我们不再认为自然和社会,或自然和城市是辩证的对立系统。