- Huanxian county town in northeast of Gansu province is seriously endangered by Dongshan mudflow disasters. 东山四沟泥流活动频繁;严重威胁环县城区1.;4万人生命和1
- The natural enemy resources are rich in Huanxian County,Ganshu Province.Among them, more than 30 species are dominant natural enemies of wheat aphids. 小麦蚜虫天敌资源丰富,其优势天敌在甘肃环县有30余种。
- Objective To provide the vector entomology data that help to determinate whether there are existing the plague nature foci and the probability in Huanxian county. 目的从传播媒介的角度探讨环县存在鼠疫自然疫源性的可能性,并为确定该地区是否存在鼠疫自然疫源性提供媒介昆虫学资料。
- Actuality of Minor Cereal Crop Production and Associated Developmental Strategies in Huanxian County, Gansu 环县小杂粮生产现状与发展措施
- Non-pollution Cultivation Techniques with High Yield for Sweet Melon in Greenhouse in Huanxian County 环县塑料拱棚甜瓜无公害高产栽培技术
- Numerical and Eco-analysis of Grassland plant Communities of Huanxian County, Gansu province 环县天然草原植物群落的分类和生态分析
- Macroeconomic Regulation and Its Influence on the Economy of Poverty-Stricken Area--An Investigation into the Financial Development of Huanxian County 宏观调控对贫困山区县域经济发展的影响--对环县县域经济金融发展状况的调查
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- He runs a factory in that county. 他在那个国家建了一个工厂。
- He was elected sheriff of the county. 他被选为县警长。
- He has a large property in the county. 他在这个县有一大片地产。
- The soil in that county is very poor. 那个县的土壤十分贫瘠。
- This county felt the full fury of the storm. 这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭。
- Huanxian county 环县
- The county boomed when gold was discovered there. 那个县在发现了黄金後便繁荣起来。
- The county town is a hundred li or so away from here. 县城离这有百儿八十里。
- Most of our county is as flat as a pancake. 我们县大部分地方非常平坦。
- The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。
- Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county. 她快乐的个性使她成为这个郡最受欢迎的女孩。