- The influence of Huang di nei jing ( Huangdi's Inner Classic) on Shuo wen jie zi ( The Origin of Chinese Characters ) 论《黄帝内经》对《说文解字》的影响
- Keywords Five Zang-organs harmonize pitch;Pneumonoconiosis;Elderly;Huang Di Nei Jing; 五脏相音;尘肺;老年人;黄帝内经;
- Keywords Huang Di Nei Jing;Hippocrates Corpus;Comparison research;The difference between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine; 黄帝内经;希波克拉底文集;比较研究;中西医差异;
- the Huang di nei jing 分形论
- Huang Di Nei Jing 黄帝内经
- "The Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, known familiarly as the Su Wen, is a seminal text of ancient Chinese medicine, yet until now there has been no comprehensive, detailed analysis of its development and contents. " 以《Suwen》(素问)一名为人所熟知的《HuangDiNeiJingSuwen》(黄帝内经素问),是中国古代医疗的根源文献,但对其发展与内容,至目前尚未有包容广泛而详尽的分析。
- The Influence of translator subjectivities on translating Huang di nei ring su wen (Plain Questions) 论译者主体性对《黄帝内经素问》英译的影响
- Huang Yizhou's study on Nei jing (Inner Canon) 黄以周治《内经》
- Btw, his name is just Qin Shi. The last two parts, Huang di denote "king"... 顺便说一句:他的名字就叫"秦始",后面的两个字"皇帝",表示他是王
- Nei jing said "All five-zang organs and six-fu organs lead to cough, not only lung". 摘要《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也”。
- The ancient methods of pulse-reading represented by Bian Que and Nei Jing are the initiation and formation stages of pulse examination in TCM. 以扁鹊脉法和内经脉法为代表的古代脉法,是中医脉诊的起始和形成阶段。
- B: Yes, so the people respect and revere Huang Di, looking on him as the common ancestor. 是的,所以人们景仰黄帝,把他看成是共同的祖先。
- Huang Di or the Yellow Emperor is believed to have lived at a time that was more than five thousand years before now. 黄帝生活的时代距今已有5000多年。
- Huang Di lived in a magnificent palace in Kunlun Mountains, with a heavenly door keeper who had the face of a man, the body of a tiger and nine tails. 黄帝住在昆仑山的一座雄伟的宫殿里,有一个人面虎身九尾的守门者。
- The ancient emperors wielded Huang Di because howlet is a lucky bird and a raptor ,rather than a bird that eats his mother,or a evil bird. 古代帝王用枭祭黄帝是因为枭是吉祥鸟、猛鸟,而不是枭是”食母”之鸟或“恶鸟”。
- Huang Di Neijing was a classic of internal medicine that laid the foundation for traditional Chinese medicine health preservation . 从秦汉到晋唐养生理论进一步完善,养生流派也已形成。
- From black carry, red mention blueness to carry, Huang Di, the good meat of all entrances grape is called " carry child " . 近两三年,提子越炒越热。从黑提、红提到青提、黄提,一切进口的硬肉型葡萄都被叫成“提子”。
- Inner Canon of Huangdi (Huangdi Nei Jing) 黄帝内经
- There is another pavilion, with slightly upswept eaves, in which is a tablet inscribed with three big Chinese characters: Huang'Di'Ling or The Tomb of the Yellow Emperor. 另有一座四角微翘的祭亭,亭内的石碑上刻有“黄帝陵”三个大字。
- Inner Canon of Huangdi (Huatrgdi Nei Jing ) 黄帝内经