- Now, it may be replaced already made the old Huang Yu Lian, into transparent summer Yulian for ablution and calmed down after. 现在开始,不妨换掉早已发黄的旧浴帘,换上透明的夏季浴帘,让沐浴后的身心安静下来。
- Talk About the Basic Training of Long Jump From the Course of Huang yu's Growing Up 从黄育的成长过程谈跳远基础训练
- Let it fly in the blue skies of infosec--An interview with general manager Huang Yu 放飞于信息安全的蓝天--访飞天诚信总经理黄煜
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]担任这项工作。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志会给你们说明这件事的。
- Wang, Wen-Yeu, Lun Tung Shih Yu Kung Ssu Chiao Yi Chih Kuei fan [Regulation on Self-dealing Transactions], 62 ChengChi L. Rev. 415 (1999). (王文宇,论董事与公司间交易之规范,政大法学评论第62期第415页以下,1999年。)
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- You just wait here. Xiao Yu will run the errands. 你就在这儿等着,小余去跑一趟。
- It was at the time of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. 那是1919年“五四运动”。
- Please connect me with Mr. Huang. 请黄先生听电话。
- In 1919, I was arrested in Denver for possessing narcotics. 1919年,我在丹佛因拥有毒品而被捕。
- Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996). 黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。
- Why not put the matter in Lao Yu's hand? 何不把这事交给老俞办?
- Hello. This is George Richter. I'd like to speak to Mr. Huang, please. 喂,我是GeorgeRichter。我想跟黄先生讲话。
- Xiao Yu laid a slip of paper on his desk. 小余在他书桌上放了一张条子。
- It was Xiao Yu who had started the discussion. 是小余引起这场议论的。
- I'd like to bring Mr Huang and Ms Sun with me. 我想要带黄先生和孙小姐一起去。
- Lao Yu came in. He was looking pale and worried. 老余走了进来,面色苍白,显得很着急的样子。
- I'd like to bring Mr. Huang and Ms. Sun with me. 我要带黄先生与孙女士一同前往。