- Hu矩Hu moment
- 九龙湾德福广场二期328号铺Tic Tac Time Co Ltd Telford Branch Shop 328, Telford Plaza II, Kowloon Bay
- Hu距Hu's moment
- T村T Village
- 328例残胃临床、内镜及病理分析The Clinical Endoscopic and Pathologic Analysis of 328 Cases with Remain Stomach
- HU 蛋白HU protein
- T弯T bending
- Hu抗原Hu antigen; rare antigen of MNS blood group
- 粉螨的孳生密度11·58~328·83只/g。The densi ty of acaroid mites breeding in traditional Chinese medicinal materials were fro m 11.58/g to 328.83/g.
- T相T phase
- Hu因子Hu factor
- T尾T- tail
- 328例患者中AR发生率为4.9%,ASR发生率为27.4%。Of 328 patients, 4.9%25 were AR, 27.4%25 were ASR.
- Hu IFN-ββ-干扰素, 人成纤维细胞干扰素[免疫调节剂]
- T酸T-acid
- 抗Hu抗体Anti-Hu antibody
- T铁T-yoke
- HU启动子HU gene promoter
- T/RT/R
- HU不变矩HU invariant moment