- How to Collect Social Security Funds? 社会保障资金该如何筹集?
- Oh, John, can you give me any advice as to how to collect and keep old stamps? 噢,约翰,你能告诉我怎样收集和保存旧邮票么?
- Can you give me any advice as to how to collect and keep old stamps? 你能否告诉我,该怎样收集和保存旧邮票吗?
- How to collect Artistry Stamps? 如何收集印花?
- He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. 他得学会收集淡水、寻找食物,生火什么的。
- DET. CHRIS CAVALIERE: I don't tell you how to collect the evidence. 我没教你应该怎样收集证据吧?
- It'S still a problem that how to collect sufficient funt. 怎么筹集到足够的资金仍然是个问题.
- He'll tell you how to collect the sample of urine for the test. 他将告诉你如何采集尿样以供化验。
- The course is designed to provide how to collect and treat plant specimens in the field and the herbarium management. 本课程主要教导学生如何在野外正确采集与处理新鲜标本以及标本馆经营管理。
- It isfocused on how to collect the evidences with the order of their volatility in a LINUX computerin this article. 本文所探讨的就是如何按照易失性顺序在LINUX系统中收集证据。
- Describes the uses of load tests, how to edit and run them, how to collect and store load test performance data, and how to analyze load test runs. 描述负载测试的使用、如何编辑和运行这些测试、如何收集和存储负载测试性能数据,以及如何分析负载测试运行。
- The money you earn will slip between your fingers if you do not know how to collect it, keep track of it, save it and spend or invest it wisely. 如果你不知道怎么收帐,记账,存钱,明智地花钱或投资,钱就会从你手指间溜走。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- What are the bacteremia and toxemia? How many phases of bacteremia for typhi patients? How to collect the specimens for bacteriologic diagnosis? 何谓菌血症、毒血症?伤寒有几次菌血症阶段,应如何进行临床标本的采集?
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 国王们往往都知道怎样使人们服从他。
- Vet said E need to collect urine sample and bring it in, but she didn't know how to do it because I wasn't urinating enough... 医生说蕨要收集我的尿液采样;可是我尿不出来她不知道怎麽收...
- No one know better how to rig an election. 没有人更知道如何操纵选举。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- One of the main problems with information though, is how to collect, store and manage all of the information so that anyone needing it can access it easily. 但与之相关的的主要问题之一是怎样收集、保存和管理所有的信息,以便任何有需要的人能够方便地查阅。