- Annex III on the commercial housing decoration, equipment standards agreed. 附件三是关于商品房的装饰、设备标准的约定。
- Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may apply for Personal housing decoration loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人住房装修贷款。
- Question 3, roughcast Housing cancelled, housing decoration on the responsibility of the developers fell head. 疑问之三,毛坯房取消,住房装修的责任就落到了开发商头上。
- At the same time, various real estate companies, housing decoration companies have mushroomed to emerge. 与此同时,各种房地产公司、房屋装饰公司也如雨后春笋般涌现。
- Housing decoration not unjustified, as cars are not equipped with meters creates panels, wheel, window pane and seats. 造房不装修没有道理,如同造汽车不装仪表板、方向盘、窗玻璃和座椅一样。
- Roughcast customers to take full account of the Housing decoration on the arbitrariness and avoid second decoration. 毛坯房就充分考虑到客户自行装修的随意性,避免二次装修。
- Housing decoration decoration company will make mistakes, "aroused a project" road, causing a new underwritten? 装修房是否会令装修公司重蹈“垫资做工程”的覆辙,从而引发新的垫资问题?
- Boloni is being launched by the designer after the hardcover is hard for housing decoration and designers to create an elite team. 博洛尼正在推出的精装后设计师,就是针对精装房装修而打造一支精英设计师团队”。
- Thus, the introduction of new standards will lead to better regulate the commercial housing decoration and facilitating role. 由此可见,新标准出台将为全装修商品房带来较好的规范和促进作用。
- Generally, with the proliferation of both sound-absorbing ceiling is the best, of course, you need to do the budget ceiling into housing decoration Fier. 一般来说,天花板最好也是吸音与扩散兼具,当然,您必须把做天花板的预算编入房屋装潢费里。
- Ms.Lee asked for the renovation of a housing decoration company can always have room for the odd, but under Ms.Lee pleadings filed a paper for the other compensation. 李女士请装饰公司为其装修了一套住房,可竣工后的房间里始终有异味,无奈之下,李女士一纸诉状告到法院,要求对方赔偿。
- Why we are so interested in fancy housing decorations? 我们为什么对新奇的居家用品感兴趣?
- The house decoration with an unaffected, plain, natural and true style caters to intellectuals' taste. 居室装潢质朴无华、真诚自然的风格颇合知识分子的口味。
- Following perfecting of socialion market economy and integration of world economy, small individual business are reactions against large social industry patterns in housing decoration trade. 其次,本文经过对上海住宅装修现状的调查,走住宅装修产业化发展的道路,并力求建立产业发展园区,住宅装修目前这种零星分散的作坊式小规模生产经营方式与社会化的住宅装修产业化的矛盾变得越来越突出。
- They are suitable to install in public construction and house decoration, specially for commercial fitment. 适用于公共建筑及家庭装饰,特别适用于商业装修。
- Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers. 简单、质朴的居室装潢适合工薪阶层的口味。
- Really, it's badly irksome to run house decor, and again they played me just once more, damn it. 真的;装修太搞人了。今天又被那帮人摆了一刀。
- Indoor air pollutions caused by house decoration mainly include formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and radon gas. 因装修引起的住宅室内空气污染主要包括甲醛污染、苯类污染、氨气污染和氡气污染。
- Personal housing decoration loan means a loan lent by the bank to the borrower for it to decorate a self-owned housing. 个人住房装修贷款是银行向借款人发放的用于自有住房装修的贷款。
- The smooth lines, elegant structure and unique crafts of house decoration in Wasin endow a kind of warmth and romance to your home. 华成家居饰品流畅的线条和精致优雅的结构,以及独特的制作工艺,赋予家的是一种透入骨髓的温柔与浪漫。