- Ge L, Nnane I P, Cheng T Y. The effects of pretreatment with glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid on the retrorsine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats [J]. Toxicon 1999,37:1259. 李慧超李凤霞等.;高效液相色谱法测定野生甘草及栽培甘草中甘草酸的含量[J]
- Shi C, Cheng T, Su Y, et al. Transplantation of dermal multipotent cells promotes survival and wound healing in rats with combined radiation and wound injury[J]. Radiat Res, 2004, 162: 56-63. 付小兵方利君王玉新孙同柱程飚.;骨髓间充质干细胞自体移植提高猪皮肤创面修复质量的初步研究[J]
- Hou shop brush: Hou Villagetao cheng qu Hengshui brush to produce a tradition, started in Ming Yongle years ago than 500 years of history, also known as "Hou T" as Tgu cheng . 侯店毛笔:衡水桃城区侯店村有制作毛笔的传统,始于明永乐年间,距今已有500多年的历史,亦称“侯笔”,古称象笔。
- Everyth i ng's new a nd exc i t ing. 什么事儿都很新奇,也很让人兴奋。
- A n elegan t handw rit ing, like the elegan thand that w ro te it. 优美的字迹,就像写字的那只优美的手。
- The docto r did everyth ing necessary to save thepat ien t. 医生尽了一切必要的努力来抢救这个病人。
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- Ask the type manages whether the zipper does substitute, the type gets through Cheng Hou whether sends New York Office. 请问样办上的拉链能否代用,样办完成后是否寄去纽约办公室。
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- That young man is the son of Minister Hou. 这是侯司徒的公子。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- Q: Why does Hou Yi have to shoot down 9 suns? 问:后羿为什么要射下九个太阳呢?
- Now, Shi Hou came and asked him for help. 石厚把他父亲的主意告诉了州吁,然后他们来到了陈国。
- I'm totally agai t your proposal of shi ing the goods one month later. 我完全反对一个月后运货的建议。
- Hou are you getting on with your work[English]? 你工作[学英语]情况怎样?
- Hou do you think about our city? 你觉得我们的城市怎么样?
- Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng". 见《论语 - 为政第二》。
- Inebriate each dispersion of Hou. 醉后各分散。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?