- As the only river that traverses the Taklimakan Desert, water resources in Hotan Catchment is the main source of Hotan oasis-Green Corridor in the Desert. 和田河是目前唯一穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠的河流,和田河地表水资源是和田绿洲的主要水源,浇灌着塔克拉玛干沙漠中的绿色走廊。
- Hotan catchment 和田河流域
- Hotan is a region with the most serious floating dus. 水是和田河绿色走廊形成与演变最重要的因素。
- In addition, Xinjiang's Hotan jade sale, Welcome to buy. 另外,还有新疆和田玉器出售,欢迎光临选购。
- In fact, most of the Country Parks areas are water catchment areas. 事实上,大部份的郊野公园地方均属于水塘集水区。
- It has a total catchment area of 17 square kilometres. 屯门河集水区的总面积为17平方公里。
- The catchment area played a dominant role in determining surface runoff. 结果表明,汇水区面积对总产流起决定性作用。
- Rainwater Catchment carrying out projects to solve drinking water difficulties. 大搞雨水集流工程,解决人畜饮水困难。
- Mabira is also a vital water catchment area for the country's lakes and rivers. 马比拉也是国家湖泊河流重要的水源地。
- The city has turned prisons and jails into a catchment for mentally ill people who get into trouble. 该市已经把监狱和拘留所变成了对遇到麻烦的精神病人的关押处。
- This dance vividly shows brilliant image of Hotan people vigorously surviving in deep desert. 这个舞蹈正是深刻地表现了身处大漠深处顽强生存的和田人民的光辉形象。
- The Aksu,Hotan,Yarkant and Kaidu-Konque Rivers are four source rivers of Tarim River drainage. 巴州水文水源勘测局;塔里木河流域管理局;
- The results illustrate: (1) The distribution of the dustfall in a year is not symmetrical in Hotan. 结果表明,和田降尘量的年内分布极为不均。
- The special catchment's system design, keeps breeze from blow to result in rainwater and dusts enter. 独特的排水系统设计,防止风吹成雨水和灰尘的进入。
- On the road that runs south of the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China is the town of Hotan. 和田县城位于中国新疆自治区塔克拉玛干沙漠南边的路上。
- Leaflets 传单 According to Hotan local government, the incident took place on 23 March in the town's bazaar. 和田当地政府的说法是;该事件发生于3月23日;地点是该城区的市场内.
- The cultivated field received not only its own share of rainfall but all of the runoff from the catchment. 耕地不仅获得它自己那份雨水而且还接受集水区的全部径流。
- Upper class of Hotan jade, whether it is to see in the eyes, or to grasp in their hands, there is a moist feeling. 上等的和田仔玉,无论是看在眼里,还是把握在手里,都有一种温润的感觉。
- They can also charge high fees from students from outsidetheir official catchment areas. 他们还可以不通过官方形式来收取费用。
- Police moved in quickly and arrested the activists, according to a statement by the Hotan regional government. 当地政府发布的声明称,抗议活动被公安及时制止,并进行了依法处置。