- Hossein Reza Zadeh 拉扎扎德
- REZA ZADEH Hossein 拉扎扎德
- Farinwata, Dimitar Filev, Reza Langari. 著者 edited by Shehu S.
- See also Muhammad Mosaddeq, Reza Shah Pahlavi. 亦请参阅Reza Shah Pahlavi、Mosaddeq, Mohammad。
- Ms Reza notes this in small ways. 雷扎用细节记录了这一点。
- L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, 8: 338-353, 1965. 邓聚龙,灰色系统理论教程,华中理工大学出版社,1990。
- Her father, Reza Saberi, was waiting outside the prison. 萨贝里的父亲星期一在德黑兰的埃文监狱外等候。
- Reza Vaghefi, Steven K.Paulson, William H.Tomlinson. 书名/作者 International business :theory and practice /M.
- Ms Reza's notes also record his more commonplace traits. 另外,雷扎也记录了萨科奇更多平凡普通的特征。
- Zadeh, an American Professor of the University of California at Berkeley. Zadeh在1965年首先提出来的。
- L. A. Zadeh, 1965, Fuzzy Set, Information and control, Vol. 8, p338-353. 罗积玉,1994,多元统计分析-方法与应用,科技图书股份有限公司,台北。
- But blogger Hossein Derakhshan says there is no reliable online translation program for Persian. 但却没有一个可靠的波斯文网上翻译工具。
- The results were met with skepticism from supporters of the main challenger, former Prime Minster Mir Hossein Moussavi. 结果受到了其主要竞争对手-前总理侯赛因穆萨维的支持者的质疑。
- Prosterman, R., M. Hossein, and P. Li, "Can China feed itselt?" Scientific American, 1996, November, 90-96. 秦晖,2003。"'租佃神话'与'宗族神话':中国农民问题的历史与现实",南京太平天国历史博物馆学术报告录音整理稿。
- L valued Zadeh functions and order homomorphisms in the case of L being a complete lattice are defined. 当 L 为完备格时 ;定义了 L-值 Zadeh型函数和广义序同态概念 .
- Prosterman, R., M. Hossein, and P. Li, "Can China feed itselt?" Scientific American, 2008, November, 90-96. 秦晖,2008。"'租佃神话'与'宗族神话':中国农民问题的历史与现实",南京太平天国历史博物馆学术报告录音整理稿。
- The legal appeal by the opposition stander bearer Mir Hossein Mousavi has yet to run its course . 反对派候选人穆萨维提交的法律诉讼还没有正常发展。
- L. A. Zadeh, “Fuzzy sets,” Information and Control, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 338-353, 1965. 曹登发,动态负载模型之研究,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,1986。
- Crowds of Iranians attend the funeral ceremony Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri in Qom, Iran on December 21, 2009. 出席的伊朗球迷在库姆,伊朗09年12月21日的葬礼上大阿亚图拉的接班人蒙塔泽里。
- Iran has had a theocratic Shiite regime since Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was ousted in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. 1979年发生的伊斯兰革命,时任国王巴列维被赶下台。伊朗从此成为了一个由伊斯兰什叶派掌权的神权国家。