- Hospital Data Centre 数据中心
- Chapter two analyses the market of Internet data centre (IDC). 第二章分析互联数据中心(IDC)市场。
- Nissan intends to use telemetry to send information to a global data centre from every LEAF sold. 尼桑想要在每一台售出的LEAF上使用遥测术,向一个全球数据中心发送信息。
- Wu Han, Shen Zhen, Fu Zhou, Kuan Ming, as well as an JV at Beijing namely MGE Great Wall which dealing with Data Centre projects. 公司凭借高技术、员工持股等体制优势及独特的企业文化,吸纳众多精英加盟。
- International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) is the World Data Centre for Soils of the International Council of Sciences (ICSU). “世界土壤信息”(ISRIC)是国际科学委员会的世界土壤信息中心,集中了大量的土壤信息资源。
- Perhaps the final word came from two American scientists at the National Climatic Data Centre in North Carolina recently. 或许,北卡罗来纳州国家气候数据中心的两名美国科学家最近的研究可以一锤定音。
- Cloud computing has become the umbrella term for the provision of computing power to customers over the internet from a remote data centre. 云计算已经成为一个统称,泛指从一个远程数据中心通过互联网为客户提供运算能力。
- For similar reasons, Google chose to build a new data centre at The Dalles, a hamlet across the Columbia River in the state of Oregon. 同理,谷歌(Google)选择了在俄勒冈州跨哥伦比亚河的叫做达尔斯(Dalles)的小村庄来建立新的数据中心。
- In one case, about 80 trusts in England were unable to access certain systems for four days after a data centre in Maidstone crashed. 有这样一件事,英格兰大约80家信托公司在梅德斯通某数据中心瘫痪后,连续4天无法进入特定系统。
- With chilly temperatures year-round, the data centre can be cooled just by sucking in outside air and blowing it through the rooms. 由于一年四季都很寒冷,该数据中心只需吸收外部空气,使其在室内流通,就能达到冷却效果。
- Considering the component of TRAK data source, many topics are designed, andlogic design is on the cost record of inpatients as fact table in order to fit therequirement of hospital data mart, Refer to the powerful data warehouse features inSQL Server? 针对TRAK数据源构成,以及医院数据仓库的具体需求,设计了多个主题,并以病人住院费用记录为事实表进行了逻辑设计。
- The firms that run data centres are less forthcoming. 经营数据中心的那些机构就不够坦白。
- Methods The hospitalizing data of 225 mycotic infected patients and other 225 patients selected randomly in the hospital at the corresponding period were analyzed retrospectively. 方法将我院真菌感染患者中资料齐全的真菌感染病人225人进行分析。随机抽取同期全院的225人作为对照组。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- This is leading much computing to migrate back into huge data centres. 由此导致大量计算融回到巨型数据中心时代。
- Methods The hospitalizing data of 95 cases with delayed intracranial hematoma was analyzed retrospectively. 方法回顾性分析了95例迟发性颅内血肿患者的住院资料。
- Methods By use of Stepwise-Regression 47 hospitals data of a certain city were analyzed. 方法利用逐步回归分析法对某市47家医院相关数据进行分析。
- Established in 1964, the National Oceanographic Data Centre of Russia is an division of All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center (RIHMI-WDC). 俄罗斯国家海洋学数据中心成立于1964年,隶属于俄罗斯水文气象信息研究所(世界数据中心)。
- For computing to become a utility, which is the promise of the cloud, a data centre cannot be a hotch-potch of boxes cobbled together from different vendors, but must be tightly integrated. 由于云计算的出现,计算机开始向效用计算发展,一个数据中心必须是高度一体化的设备,而不能是由不同厂商提供的一堆大杂烩的堆砌。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。