- Horqin Youyi Zhongqi 科尔沁右翼中旗,位于中国内蒙古自治区
- Qahar Youyi Zhongqi 察哈尔右翼中旗,位于中国内蒙古自治区
- Horqin Youyi Qianqi 科尔沁右翼前旗,位于中国内蒙古自治区
- Guo Xuebo was born in Qure Banner on Inner Mongolia's Horqin Sands in 1948. 郭雪波,1948年生于内蒙古库伦旗,这里处于科尔沁沙地。
- CENTURY ZHONGQI is dedicated to providing superior quality office furnishings at a good,honest value. 世纪中奇是一家生产高优品质现代化办公家具的专业性企业。
- "Forever strive &never abandon "was inscribed by Wu Zhongqi ,a statesman and calligrapher. “自强不息,永不言败”是政治家、书法家武中奇题写。
- One bundle illumination is in bundle of aureate this world cobbly of Lin Zhongqi rugged is small on slope. 那天我穿着气垫鞋开足马力向森林深处驰去。一束束金色阳光照在林中坎坷不平的小坡上。
- The foreign experts living at the Youyi Binguan include many Muslims from India, Pakistan, Iraq, Algeria, Sudan, etc. 在友谊宾馆居住的外国专家中有很多来自印度、巴基斯坦、伊拉克、阿尔及利亚、苏丹等国的穆斯林。
- This disease sees occasionally in brotherly sister, report of Ceng Youyi exemple has chromosome unusual. 本病偶见于兄弟姊妹中,曾有一例报道有染色体异常。
- "Wang Zhongqi said," but for various reasons, the company then fell into deficit, foreign investment side Helanahuode announced disinvestment. 王钟琦介绍说,“但是由于种种因素,公司随后陷入亏损,外资投资方荷兰阿霍德宣布撤资。
- There is an article to say on the net, in toward this Duan Youyi coagulates with blood, cost holds high fearsomely. 课本如此描述,’一个安静的清早,工作了一晚的金日成步岀山洞,在那边白雪茫茫的山沟里小息片时。突然通讯兵陈述,我国民众志向军长官彭德怀到了。
- His fiction portrays the hardships, dangers and complexities of life on the Horqin Sands of Inner Mongolia, and extols life's tenacity and strength. 这些小说通过各个角度再现了内蒙古东部科尔沁沙地的艰苦、复杂、惊险的生存环境,讴歌了生命的坚韧、顽强、不屈不挠。
- Haixing /weichai serial diesel gensets are equipped with Tongxin brand and Deutz serial diesel together with zhongqi generator. 海兴/潍柴系列柴油机组是我司选用潍柴同心牌和道依茨系列柴油机配置斯坦福、上海重琦合资名牌发电机。
- His fiction portrays the hardships, dangers and complexities of life on the Horqin Sands of Inner Mongolia, and extols life 's tenacity and strength. 这些小说通过各个角度再现了内蒙古东部科尔沁沙地的艰苦、复杂、惊险的生存环境,讴歌了生命的坚韧、顽强、不屈不挠。
- YouYI Trade is professional supplier of golf product and tennis product for years; High quality product and service are ensured by us! 友谊贸易是专业供应商产品的高尔夫球和网球的产品岁;高品质的产品和服务是保证我们!
- The happening of Zhongqi is not the simple piling up of airs coming from the heart and lung, but the mutual induction, which brings about a new substance and energy. 宗气的产生不是心肺二藏之气的简单叠加,是心肺二藏相互作用而产生的新的物质和能量。
- After graduating from a technical school, Guo Xuebo worked for seven years in Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner about a hundred kilometers from Qure Banner. 他在中专毕业后,曾到离库伦旗一、二百里的科左中旗工作了七年。
- Henan zhongqi machinery company ,which is with good trust of the consumer ,the trusty company of China ,is a modernization company with scientific research ,produce ,sell. 河南省中启机械制造有限公司是全国消费者信得过单位;全国诚信示范企业.;是集科研、生产、营销于一体的现代化企业。
- The Jinan Xiaoqinghe Automobile limits company mainly produce and manage the STR.STRW HW /gold prince, Zhongqi entire vehicle fittings and so on the sale proliferates the land. 济南小清河汽配有限公司主要生产及经营斯太尔、斯太尔王。
- Another Shed 3, with 300 homes in Horqin cattle raising the capacity, and another small winery, and can produce distiller's grain feeding cattle, with one-stop-scale farming. 另有牛舍三间,具有舍养300头科尔沁黄牛的能力,另有小型酒厂,并能生产酒糟饲喂黄牛,具备养殖一条龙规模。