- Honda Tsuruaki 本多鹤明(1907-),日本人,《中日新闻》社参与。
- He won the 1907 Nobel Prize for literature. 他获得1907年诺贝尔文学奖。
- She rides a souped-up Honda motorbike. 她骑一辆加大马力的本田摩托车。
- It equalled the 5-0 victory in December 1907. 1907年12月,红军也取得了对维拉5-0的大捷。
- There were panics in 1873, 1884, 1893 and 1907. 1873年、1884年、1893年和1907年均有银行恐慌发生。
- It was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. 它于1907年被接纳为美国的第46个州。
- Dandong Port went into operation in 1907. 丹东港1907年开埠。
- Back then, Honda didn't really want to make cars. 在那以前,本田公司并不真正打算生产汽车。
- Honda is trying to increase its market share. 本田汽车正在努力增加自己的市场份额。
- You have custom rims on your Honda. 你的本田车上带轮圈。
- I got along wonderfully with Mr. Honda. 我同本田先生的交道打得很不错。
- It's Honda, and I've had it for two years now. 本田的,我已经用两年了。
- She rides a souped - up Honda motorbike. 她骑一辆加大马力的本田摩托车。
- Honda also will not allow use of smokeless tobacco. 本田汽车也不允许使用无烟的烟草。
- Which factory in china makes Honda motorcycle? 问:制造本田摩托的中国厂家是?
- Make tracks on the 2008 Honda TRX 450R ATV. 使轨道的2008年本田trx 450r亚视。
- The new Toyota outsells the Honda by a wide margin. 这种新丰田车的销售量大大超过了本田车。
- New family member - little blueberry (honda fit). 我家的新成员-小蓝妃。
- Honda FCX fuel cell car is ready for rent! Honda FCX燃料电池车租赁开始!