- Liu X .B.‚ Fu X.L.‚ Zhu D.M.‚homoclinic bifurcation with nonhyperbolic equilibria‚ Nonlinear analysis‚ Theory‚ Methods &Applications‚Volume 66‚ Issue 12‚ 2653-2982 ‚2007. 刘兴波‚朱德明.;伴随超临界分支的非通有同宿轨道分支‚高校应用数学学报‚‚2004‚19(4)‚401-408
- Using harmonic balance simulators can make the work of circuit design and analysis easier to do.When this technique is applied to high frequency circuits, it can exhibit homoclinic bifurcation routes. 摘要利用谐波平衡模拟法对电路中的混沌运行状态进行预测,更便于进行电路设计与分析,在高频电路模拟中,可以显示出混沌的同宿分岔轨迹,并预测和计算出这些轨迹的路线。
- Homoclinic Bifurcation and Time-Dependent Bifurcation of Quadratic System with Saddle-Node Bifurcation 具有鞍结分岔的二次系统的同宿和时变分岔
- Homoclinic bifurcation 同宿分支
- Coexistence of Homoclinic Orbits and Periodic Orbits in Homoclinic Bifurcations with Two Inclination Flips 倾斜翻转同宿分支中的同宿轨与周期轨的共存性
- How Mo ability forgets fear bifurcation ` ! ! ! ! 怎麽才能忘记害怕丫`!!!!
- V (Village) c (bifurcation) road transit. 五(寨)三(岔)公路过境。
- How to Settle bifurcation betweenclient and us? 鲸鲨设计如何解决设计观点上与客户的分歧?
- Methods Using the decoupling and global bifurcation theory. 方法解耦和全局分歧理论等。
- Treatment of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions: What's New? 冠状动脉分叉病变治疗:有何新进展?
- Yaron Almagor Topic Bifurcation lesions: One stent or Two stents? 分叉病变几个支架更好?
- Ifsaid is not, is not the bifurcation is false is sick. 如说不是,不是丫虚伪就是有病。
- A bifurcation or separation into two or more branches or parts. 分歧或分成两个或两个以上部分。
- What comes to the vesicle of crural bifurcation unripe little? 脚丫生一点点的小水泡是什么来的?
- Why does vesicle always rise on my foot bifurcation? 为什么我脚丫上总起小水泡?
- In most cases,the plaque located at the bifurcation of the carotid artery. 颈动脉粥样斑块好发于分叉处,在各型斑块中软斑与溃疡斑是脑梗塞的主要栓子来源之一。
- It may be observed that this bifurcation phenomenon is somewhat abstract. 可以发现,分支现象有点抽象。
- By delaying bifurcation of the message, bandwidth consumption is reduced. 通过延迟邮件的分叉,可以减少带宽占用。
- Why to arrive does crural bifurcation have summer bit of desquamate? 为什么一到夏天脚丫就有点脱皮?
- How is desquamate to return a responsibility among bipod bifurcation? 两脚丫中间脱皮是怎么回事啊?