- I am sailing, I am sailing. Home again 'cross the sea. 我在航行,我在航行。穿过大海,奔向家中。
- We are sailling We are sailling Home again cross the sea We are sailling stormy waters To be near you to be free 我们在航行,我们在航行越过海洋,又回到家乡我们在航行,穿过咸涩的海水,来到你身边,获得自由来到你身边,获得自由
- I am sailing I am sailing Home again cross the sea I am sailing stormy waters To be near you to be free 我在航行,我在航行穿过海洋,又回到家乡我在航行,穿过汹涌的波涛来到你身边,获得自由
- Home again cross the sea 跨越海洋,回到家乡
- I am sailing, I am sailing Home again, cross the sea I am sailing, stormy waters To be with you to be free 我在归航,我在归航故乡山水,远隔重洋我在归航,风雨阻挡与你相聚,享受自由
- We are sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea. 我们正在远航,我们正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我们的港湾。
- I am sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea. 我正在远航,我正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我的港湾。
- We crossed the sea at Star Ferry Pier. 我们在天星码头乘渡船过海。
- Did you hear it? Crossing the sea by car! 听听,乘车跨越大海!
- Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one shows his or her special prowess. 八仙过海,各显神通。
- When you cross the sea, you often toss about in your bed at night. 坐船渡海时,夜里你常常会被颠得在床上翻来滚去。
- When you cross the sea,you often toss about in your bed at night. 坐船渡海时,夜里你常常会被颠得在床上翻来滚去。
- I'll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea, which raves. 直挂云帆济沧海。
- You must cross the sea and search for Diablo and Baal in Kurast. 你必须穿过海洋并到库拉斯特去找出暗黑破坏神和巴尔。
- A week by the sea will soon set you right again. 在海边呆上1个星期,就可以使你的身体迅速复原。
- Ships continually cross the seas. 船只不断地穿过海面。
- It'll be good to get back home again. 能重新回到家里一定会很愉快的。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Most of the expatriates were home again. 这时候大部分留居在外的人都返回国内了。