- Home Defense Force Group 本土防御部队集团
- Security Rate Analysis of Air Defense Force Group 防空兵群安全率分析
- Optimization of Mobile Deployment Programs of Air Defense Force Group 防空兵群机动部署方案的优选方法
- Command post of air defense forces group (regiment) 防空兵群(团)指挥所
- Home Defense Force 本土防御部队
- Civilian Home Defense Force 民宅防御力量
- It was time to rally our own defense force. 是时候组织我们自己的防卫队了。
- Air defense force group 防空兵群
- It may well be possible at the end of this month to detach the larger consignment from our home defense. 很可能在月底从我本土防御力量中抽调大批部队。
- air defense forces group 防空兵群
- Mounted units (boosted by the new stables) make a nice defense force but they can still be trumped by a nicely mixed stack. 马上单位(用新的马厩增强过的)可以形成很好的防御力量,但是它们仍然可以被精心安排的阵形击败。
- A member of armed force group assigned to this mission by the name of Luca encounters two kids who saved him from an injury he faced during a brawl. 一名叫卢卡的武士接受了这个追捕任务,他在一次战斗中受了重伤,两个不知姓名的小孩救了他一鸣。
- The naval coastal defense force is composed of shore-to-ship missile and coastal artillery units,which have capabilities to defend China's coasts. 海军岸防兵编有岸舰导弹部队和海岸炮兵部队,具有海岸防御作战能力。
- The naval coastal defense force is composed of shore-to-ship missile and coastal artillery units, which have capabilities to defend China's coasts. 海军岸防兵编有岸舰导弹部队和海岸炮兵部队,具有海岸防御作战能力。
- Resistance forces grouped in the jungle. 抵抗力量在丛林中集结。
- At the time a woman who belonged to the “Syrian Socialist National Party” drove a bomb-laden truck into an Israeli Defense Force convoy in Lebanon. 当时,一位属于叙利亚国家人民党的女党员开一辆炸弹车去冲撞在黎巴嫩的以色列军事运输团队。
- Antilles' "soft" attitude spurred his resignation from the Corellian Defense Force, and even a failed assassination attempt against him. 安蒂列斯“软弱”的态度导致他从科雷利亚国防军中辞职,甚至招徕一次针对自己的未遂暗杀。
- Mary's husband Prince Frederik has also trained with the army, as well as the navy and the air force, and remains active in Denmark's defense force. 玛丽王妃的丈夫,丹麦王储弗雷德里克在丹麦三军都接受过训练,是丹麦武装部队的现役军人。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- Keating also met with a rear admiral representing China's defense forces. 基廷还会见了代表中国国防部队的一名海军少将。