- Homalomena occulta Schott 千年健
- Homalomena occulta(Lour.)Schott 千年健
- Homalomena occulta 千年健
- Firmiana platanifolia Schott et Engl. [医] 梧桐
- Arisaema erubescens (Wall.) Schott. 天南星
- Shoot-tips of taro (Colocasia exculenta Schott. 试验以芋芽茎尖为材料进行组培快繁研究。
- Schott ;assisted by Robin Dunnigan and Diana Clark. 作者声明: Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J.
- Ron Schott’s Geology Home Companion Blog. 话题主要是关于野外的文字和图片。
- Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott var. remotiuscula (Kom.) Kom. 疏羽香鳞毛蕨
- Objective: To study chemical components of Dryoptens fragrans (L.)Schott. 目的:研究香鳞毛蕨的化学成分。
- Title: Induction of in Vitro Corms of Taro(Colocasia esculenta Schott. 关键词:芋;试管苗;诱导;育苗
- The closed defect, spinal bifida occulta, is covered by skin and may not be detected until later in life. 闭合性脊柱裂又称隐形脊柱裂表面有皮肤覆盖,一般发现较晚。
- Of a total of 21 cases,there were 10 bifida manifesta including 2 with secondary operation,9 spina bifida occulta and 2 no spinal bifida. 显性脊柱裂 10例 ,其中 2例曾做过脊膜膨出修补术 ; 隐性脊柱裂 9例 ,2例无脊柱裂。
- Purpose:To explore the efficacy and safety of sacral nerve neuromodulation in voiding dysfunction secondary to spina bifida occulta. 目的:探讨骶神经调节治疗隐性骶椎裂排尿功能障碍的效果和安全性。
- P. averrhoae Averrhoa carambola L.New-Record Phomopsis of China Host Plants Phomopsis occulta var. ginkgoina Ginkgo biloba L. P.;averrhoae Averrhoa carambola L
- Objective:To analyze the chemical composition from Acorus tatarinowii Schott in essential oils. 目的:对石菖蒲挥发油的化学成分进行分析。
- Objective To investigate the clinical states of enuresis children companied with spina bifida occulta(SBO)and study the efficient way of treatment. 目的分析伴隐性脊柱裂(SBO)的遗尿症患儿的临床特点,探讨其有效的治疗方案。
- Dr. U. Fotheringham, Dr. P. Hartmann, Dr. S. Reichel, “Removing the Mystique of Glass Selection”, SCHOTT AG. 王兴邦,“玻璃微热压之成形特性研究”,国立交通大学硕士论文,2003年。
- In 1923 Schott also added his stock shares in the Glass Works to the foundation. 1923年,肖特先生也把他在肖特玻璃厂的股份交给了卡尔蔡司管理基金会。
- In the first phase of development, Schott will manufacture primary pharmaceutical packaging. 在第一阶段的发展,肖特将生产的主要药品包装。