- Hold a meeting with sb. 和某人开会。
- Meet with sb: have a meeting with sb. 与某人会面。
- Powell held a meeting with Sharon on the 12th. 鲍威尔12日与沙龙举行了会谈。
- The caller asked for a meeting with our leader. 访客要求见我们的领导。
- Can you arrange a meeting with up? 你可否安排我们开个会?
- Have a meeting with sb. 与某人碰面、开会。
- VII.Submit the cleaning problems in the stores and hold a meeting with cleaning company to discuss how to improve monthly. 每月统计店铺保洁工作存在的问题,每月定期与保洁公司召开会议讨论改进方案。
- I hope you can fix up a meeting with the director recently. 我希望你能在最近安排与经理会面。
- Nancy held a meeting with the human resources director to discuss filling the vacancy. 南西和人力资源部主管召开会议,讨论征人以填补该职缺。
- They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 他们明天将开会讨论这个问题。
- In the mean time, South Korea says it will hold a meeting with the US and Japan on their positions at the upcoming six-way talks. 与此同时,韩国称,韩国将在“六国会谈”到来之前,就韩国、日本、美国各方意见举行一次韩、日、美三国会议。
- Charlton chief executive Peter Varney and Alan Pardew were in Spain yesterday to hold a meeting with Valencia's sporting director Amedeo Carboni and coach Quique Sanchez Flores. 查尔顿执行官彼德.;瓦尔尼和主教练阿兰
- Concerned parents held a meeting. 忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。
- They held a meeting to clear the air. 他们召开了一次会议来消除误解。
- In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting. 在杰克逊先生不在的情况下,我们开了会。
- PTA will hold a meeting with all class coordinators at11:00 today. We encourage all class coordinators attend this meetings. 家长会今天十一点在办公室与各班级联络人举行座谈会,希望大家准时参加。
- I wanted to avoid a meeting with her. 我想避免与她会面。
- I must have a meeting with Max Hobbs on the 8th. 我必须在8号跟马克斯·霍布斯会一次面。
- Our old man will hold a meeting this afternoon. 我们头头今天下午要主持一个会议。
- PTA will hold a meeting with all class coordinators at 11:00 today. We encourage all class coordinators attend this meetings. 家长会今天十一点在办公室与各班级联络人举行座谈会,希望大家准时参加。