- It 's two to nil in favor of the visiting team . 那是2比0客领先。
- It' s two o' clock. I' ll come in an hour. 现在是两点钟,我一小时后来。
- There, s two pages missing from the book. 这本书缺了两页。
- The Shire’s two major industries are tourism and agriculture. 该郡的两个主要产业是旅游业和农业。
- DYC's two years responsibility only has 9 months left. 每天都有很多事情发生,忙得整个人都十分麻木。
- The tale of two toads shows that amateur mistakes may be amusing. 双头蟾蜍的故事告诉我们,非专业人士所犯的错误可能非常好笑。
- Vocational education at higher technician and technician levels was in the past provided by the VTC's two technical colleges and seven technical institutes respectively. 高级技术员程度及技术员程度的职业教育,过去分别由职业训练局属下的两所科技学院及七所工业学院提供。
- Electrophoresis of 4 samples showed that there were 28 s and 18 s two clear bands and less clear 5 s band. 4份样本电泳后可见28s,18s两条清晰的条带和稍欠清晰的5s条带。
- The rolls are housed in the DPX’s two cassettes and can yield as many as 120 B3 plates. 该卷是住在该dpx的两个磁带和可以产生多达120 B3的名牌。
- He and Gong An genre’s two members Huang Hui and Tao Wangling were good fridens. 他与公安派的黄辉、陶望龄友善,他们或谈学论道,或诗文唱和,互有影响。
- Now that VW's two main rivals, Toyota and GM, are retrenching, they're speeding up their plans. 鉴于两大主要对手丰田和通用双双陷入困境,大众正在加快实施扩张计划的步伐。
- Both Ford and Chrysler, GM's two big American rivals, have installed outsiders to lead dramatic overhauls. 作为通用的两大竞争对手,福特和克莱斯勒都聘请外人来引导公司进行戏剧性的改革。
- FJ: How do you work with Twitter’s two other co-founders, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone side by side these days? 福建:你如何与Twitter的的另外两个联合创始人杰克多尔西和商业石并排这些日子?
- After that she lived with a widowed great-granddaughter, Alice, and Alice’s two little girls. 后来只得和寡居的曾曾孙女艾莉丝还有她两个女儿一块儿同住。
- But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it s two hours ,That is relativity. 但是你在热炉子上坐上一分钟,你觉得坐了两小时,这就是相对论。"
- During the year,107 000 souvenirs were sold through the HKTA's two information and gift centres and at 45 outlets in hotels and major tourist areas. 年内,旅游协会辖下两个谘询及礼品中心,以及该会在各大酒店和多个主要旅游区的45家特约商号,合共售出107000份纪念品。
- The former bosses of the UK's two biggest banking casualties yesterday apologised unreservedly for their banks' near collapse. 英国两大亏损银行的前任老板昨日毫无保留地对自己银行的几近破产表示道歉。
- The three Tactical Readiness Trainers will be delivered to the RAAF’s two Hornet Aircrew Training System installations in late 2008. 3部战术准备训练器将于2008年末交付给澳大利亚皇家空军“大黄蜂”机组训练系统。
- Well, what am I? I\'m a private no-class dogface. The way most civilians look at that, that\'s two steps up from nothin\'. 我是谁?我是一名士兵,一名没有级别的步兵。在绝大多数平民眼里,我们离一文不值只差两步。
- Sloth and silence are a fool,s virtues. 懒散与沉默是傻瓜的美德。