- Histiocyte chemotaxis 组织细胞趋化性
- Chemotaxis, traveiling wave, existence, stability, eigenvalue. 趋化性;行波;存在性;稳定性;本征值
- The chemotaxis in vivo was observed by histotomy and staining of muscle tissue. 肌肉组织切片与染色观察体内基因转染后的趋化作用;
- Marschall HU."Sea blue histiocyte" syndrome[J].Dtsch Med Wochenschr,2000,125(39):1178. 丁昌红;邹丽萍;吴沪生;等.;进行性神经系统受累的海蓝组织细胞增生症三例[J]
- A histiocyte is a differentiated tissue cell that has its origin in the bone marrow. 组织细胞源于骨髓,是单核/巨噬细胞系分化而来的。
- Inhibition of leukocytes chemotaxis in lung tissue may be a new way for the treatment of PALI. 抑制肺组织内中性粒细胞的趋化,可能成为治疗胰腺炎肺损伤的新途径。
- Pseudomonas putida DLL-1 is a high effective methyl parathion(MP) degrading strain,which is also of chemotaxis to MP. Pseudomonas putida DLL-1是一株甲基对硫磷(MP)高效降解菌株,同时对MP具有趋化性。
- WT5”BZ]Sperm chemotaxis to follicular fluid has been established by a variety of means in human and mouse spermatozoa. 已经通过各种实验证实了人类和鼠类精子在卵泡液中具有趋化性。
- Some cells also exhibit chemotaxis the ability to move toward or away from the source of a diffusing chemical. 某些细胞具备趋药性,即趋向或逃离扩散开的化学源。
- Objective To study clinicopathologic reatures of histiocyte necrotizing lymphadenitis is to enhance the level of diagnosis and therapy. 探讨组织细胞性坏死性淋巴结炎临床病理特点以提高对本病的诊治水平。
- Chemotaxis of pathogen toward the mucus layer of fish plays an important role in its colonization in the mucus. 病原菌对粘液的趋化作用在其对粘液层定植过程中起着重要作用,趋化作用是病原菌的毒力机制之一。
- This paper puts forward a new group chemotaxis algorithm used as the learning algorithm for BP neural networks. 提出了一种新型神经网络群体趋化性算法,将其用于多层前向神经网络的学习过程,表明其具有学习速度快、精度高的特点。
- Chemotaxis assays were used to verify functionality of these chemokine receptors. 使用趋化作用分析来证实这些趋化因子受体的功能性。
- Wear particles induced-biological reaction in histiocyte surrounding the prosthesis is an important factor of osteolysis and aseptic loosening after prosthetic replacement. 磨损颗粒诱发假体周围组织细胞产生一系列生物学反应是导致假体周围骨溶解及假体无菌性松动的重要因素。
- The thought of bacterial colony chemotaxis (BCC) algorithm is applied to determine the control parameters of the hidden neurons in RBF neural network. 借用细菌群体趋药性(bacterial colony chemotaxis,BCC)算法的思想来确定RBF神经网络隐层神经元的控制参数;
- The chemotaxis characteristics revealed in this paper would be helpful for the design of effective prophylactic strategies for P. olivaceus’ culture. 本文所揭示的河流弧菌趋化特性将对养殖牙鲆疾病防治提供有价值的参考。
- The chemotaxis and calcium mobil i zation assay were used for examining bioactivities of the cells stably transfect ed with CCR4. 通过基因转染技术获得稳定转染细胞株,利用趋化实验、钙流实验证实稳定转染细胞株能有效表达CCR4并具有生物功能。
- Osteopontin is a multifunctional phosphoprotein containing GRGDS sequence which functions in cell adhesion and chemotaxis. 骨桥蛋白是一种具有多种功能的磷酸化糖蛋白,其中含有特异的与细胞黏附及迁移有关的GRGDS序列。
- Another study showed that slit, a repellent for migrating neurons/axons, can inhibit the leukocyte chemotaxis triggered by SDF-1. 现在已知这类分子除广泛参与血液和淋巴系统的功能外,还参与器官发生、干细胞迁移、肿瘤转移等等。
- Nazli M, Jason EG, Ellen ML, et al. Motility and chemotaxis of filamentous cells of Escherichia coli[J]. J of bacteriol, 2000, 182:4337. 贾继辉;于修平;郭辉玉;等.;幽门螺杆菌结构性群体形成的研究[J]