- His voice was very distinctive. 他的声音很特别。
- His voice was quiet but every word was distinct. 他说话声音不大,但字字清晰。
- "Hello, Ed," he said, hefting the wrench again. His voice was very steady and very cold. “嗨,埃德。”他说,又挥了一下扳手,音调平静而冷酷。
- His voice was shrill, but very clear and articulate. 他嗓音尖锐,但是嘹亮而清晰。
- His voice was drowned out by the noise made by a gang of rowdies. 他的声音被一伙流氓的吵闹声给压倒了。
- The bay in his voice was well throttled back. 他声音中那低沉的拖腔有效地控制在喉咙里没有发出来。
- Once his voice was percolating to her satisfaction. 他的声音曾使她感到满意。
- His voice was tinged with regret. 他的嗓音中稍稍流露出遗憾。
- His voice was low and not pleasant. 他的音调低沉而不愉快。
- His voice was caressingly sweet. 他的嗓音亲切而又甜美。
- His voice was scornful in the extreme. 他的声音听起来极端地轻蔑。
- His voice was very clear. 他的声音非常清晰。
- When he was struggling with his broken putonghua to answer another question, some reporters began to audibly murmur.What's worse was that his microphone was playing up and his voice was very low. 当这个演员形象不佳的回答其他问题的时候,一些记者开始以充耳可闻的声音交头接耳,尤其更糟的是这个演员手中的麦克正处于宕机状态,而他的声音又如此之低。
- His voice was choking with rage. 他气得声音哽咽。
- His voice was harsh and unmusical. 他的声音刺耳难听。
- His voice was heavy with sarcasm. 他的语气带着十足的讽刺意味。
- His voice was husky with longing(= sexual desire). 他因欲火攻心而声音嘶哑。
- My voice was very ugly, full of contempt and anger. 我的声音十分难听,充满着鄙夷和怒气。
- His beauty is dreamlike, like Sleeping Beauty; but his butterflies are very distinct and lifelike. 黄国武在营造他的朦胧美人系列时,喜爱把美人与蝴蝶放在一起。
- His voice was pleasant and cultivated. 他说话的声音悦耳文雅。