- His sun is set. 他的鼎盛时期已过。
- The moon is risen and the sun is set. 月亮升起,太阳下山了。
- The sun is setting, and the day is ending. 太阳下山了,这一天就要过去了。
- The sun is setting beyond the western hills. 日薄西山。
- The sun is setting as the late afternoon wanes. 日已斜挂,远处重岭,烟岚迷濛,村居隐现。
- The sun is setting in a brilliant twilight of blue and gold. 太阳在闪耀着蔚蓝和金黄两色的薄暮中入睡了。
- His sun is set 他的鼎盛时期已过。
- The sun is set. 太阳已经下山。
- Shoot! The copier is set for enlarging. 糟了!复印机设定在放大。
- The sun is the ultimate source of energy. 太阳是能量的最基本来源。
- The house is set well back from the road. 这所房子与公路很有一段距离。
- Where the sun is setting the alarm clock of darkness for the vagabond. 看西下的夕阳正为流浪者设定黑暗的闹钟。
- The sun is shining in all his splendid beauty. 太阳发出灿烂的光芒。
- The novel is set in pre-war London. 这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。
- Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低时,物体的影子就很长。
- The play is set in Jiangxi province. 这戏中的故事发生在江西。
- One's sun is set. 全盛时期已过。
- The center of the sun is exceedingly hot. 太阳的中心极其热。
- His wristwatch is set to Beijing time. 就连他的手表也调成了北京时间。
- The rising sun is orient in the blue sky. 在蓝天里初升太阳光辉夺目。