- His story amuses me. 他的故事使我发笑。
- Amuse sb this story amused me. 这个故事让我发笑。
- His story was juiced up with witty remarks. 他用了很多俏皮话使他的故事生动活跃。
- His story was replete with falsehood. 他的报导充满了虚伪。
- His story just won't wash with me. 他的故事不能令我相信。
- There's not a jot of truth in his story. 他一句实话也没有。
- His story checks up with the facts. 他的叙述跟事实相符。
- His story has come home to my bosom. 他的故事使我内心深为感动。
- Her pretended interest in art and music amuses me. 她对于美术音乐的假兴趣使我好笑。
- His well cut suit, shabby now, told me his story. 他那身剪裁合身而现在已经破旧了的衣服说明了他的经历。
- He pitched his story in a sentimental strain. 他把故事写得带有伤感情调。
- She's surely not so naive as to believe his story. 她肯定不会轻信他编造的故事。
- There was a smack of exaggeration in his story. 他讲的情况有点夸张。
- I was very impressed by his story. 他的故事深深打动了我。
- It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. 它使我很开心,我也把它当小朋友一样对待。
- He revised his story to make it shorter. 他修改了他的故事,把它缩短了。
- There's an element of truth in his story. 他说的有些道理。
- His story is nothing but a pack of lies. 他说的纯粹是一派鬼话。
- The ghost of Haydn appears for the 45minutes,amuses me with tales of his life and times. 演出快要结束那时,突然在我脸旁边出现了一束鲜花,某人递了过来,正暗自窃喜,难到在场的某个人看上我了?!
- His story just doesn't add up he must be lying. 他说的前後不一致--一定撒谎了。