- His secret has slipped out. 他的秘密被无意中说了出来。
- To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. 探索他的秘密颇有些阅读侦探小说的迷人劲儿。
- Nina, however, has slipped out to the CTU's transformer room. 然而,尼娜已经偷偷溜到反恐组的配电房。
- Where's my key? It must have slipped out when I opened my bag to get the money! 我的钥匙呢?一定是我打开包取钱的时候滑出来的了。
- Could you tell me again what I should do next? What you said yesterday has slipped out of my mind. 你能再一次告诉我我下一步该做什么吗?你昨天对我说的话我已经忘了。
- He curiously ran after her who had slipped out of the room. 他好奇的跟在悄悄溜出房间的她的后面。
- Nobody saw her leave: she must have slipped out of the room while we were talking. 没人见她离开,她一定是趁我们讲话的时候溜走了。
- Nobody saw her left: she must have slipped out of the room while we were talking. 没人见她离开,她一定是趁我们讲话的时候溜走了。
- I can't find my key. It must have slipped out when I opened my bag to get the money. 我的钥匙找不到了。可能是我打开包取钱时给掉出来了。
- I didn't see him leave; he must have slipped out of the room while we were talking. 我没有看见他离开; 一定是我们刚才在谈话时他溜出了房间。
- Her sister was very clever at worming his secret out of him. 他姐姐很会巧妙地从他那儿把秘密套出来。
- Ben: Yeah it must have slipped out of my pocket when I stood up to let those nuns take their seats. 本:对,它一定是从口袋里面滑出来了,我站起来,给修女让座。
- Do you think Jack could bite in his secret want? 你以为杰克能忍住不说出他藏在心里的欲望吗?
- His phone number has slipped my memory. 他的电话号码我记不起来了。
- I promise never to reveal his secret. 我答应决不泄漏他的秘密。
- His secret died with him, for he never told anyone. 他的秘密至死也不为人知,因为他从未告诉过别人。
- He had felt too relazed,as if he was with a friend not a lover,and the comment had slipped out uncensured. 他在感觉上太放松了,就好象和朋友在一起而不是和情人,那句评论别的别人的话没有经过大脑把关就顺口说了出来。
- Another month has slipped by, and he hasn't finished his novel. 又一个月过去了,他还没有完成他的小说。
- Carrie left him, feeling as though a great arm had slipped out before her to draw off trouble. 嘉莉离开他,觉得好象有一只大手伸到她面前,排除了困难。
- This letter disclosed his secret. 这封信揭露了他的秘密。