- His purpose was unknown tome. 他的目的对我而言是不明的。
- His purpose was unknown to us. 我们不清楚他的目的。
- His purpose was to throw us off guard. 他的目的是想使我们失去警惕。
- I do not know what his purpose be. 我不知道他的意图是什么。
- His purpose was to graduate from medical school and become a great surgeon. 他的目标是从医科学校毕业成为一名外科医生。
- "His purpose was to discover how long these guests intended to stay" (Joseph Conrad). “他想要知道这些客人打算呆多长时间” (约瑟夫·康罗伊)
- This Jehu did with deceit, his purpose being the destruction of the servants of Baal. 耶户这样行、是用诡计、要杀尽拜巴力的人。
- His purpose of learning is to be a doctor. 他学习的目的是想当医生。
- His name was unknown to the world. 他的名字不为世人所知。
- Before the duel Vladimir went to see Olga. His purpose was to reproach her for her Behavior, But Olga, as cheerful and affectionate as ever, acted as if nothing had happened. 决斗之前,弗拉基米尔去见奥尔加。他的目的是责备她的轻佻行为。但奥尔加一如既往,见到他时非常高兴,对他充满柔情,好像什么事也没有发生过的。
- At all his purpose was to hope the talented persons can make country strong ,bring benefits to the people,maintain the feudalism and protect the traditional culture. 从总的来说就是希望其所培养、荐举和使用的人才既能富民强国,维护封建统治,又能保护中国传统文化。
- Since the feast at the house of Simon, Judas had had opportunity to reflect upon the deed which he had covenanted to perform, but his purpose was unchanged. 他竟为了三十块银钱一个奴隶的身价出卖了荣耀的主,让他受侮辱,将他害死。
- Nothing will ever turn him from his purpose. 什么也不能使他改变目标。
- His purpose remains as firm as a rock. 他的意志仍坚如磐石。
- The science of intoning was unknown. 吟诵的学问还不为人所知。
- The taste of sorrow was unknown to a youth. 少年不识愁滋味。
- Who fetched the check from the bank was unknown. 没有人知道是谁从银行取走了支票。
- His main purpose was to get the programme moving. 他的主要目的是使项目能开展起来。
- Critics say there may be unknown risks. 评论家称,可能存在未知的风险。
- His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity. 他表面的目的是做善事,实际目标是获得声望。