- His opponent hooked him badly. 他的对手狠狠地钩住他。
- The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times. 那拳击手失掉了许多次击败对手的机会。
- He goaded his opponent on to attack him. 他刺激他的对手向他进攻。
- I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent. 他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。
- The boxer is whaling away at his opponent with both fists. 拳击手用双拳向他的对手连续猛击。
- He lunged wildly at his opponent. 他疯狂地扑向对手。
- That knight ran his sword through his opponent. 那个骑士用刀刺穿他的对手。
- He delivered a right hook to his opponent's jaw. 他给了对方下巴一记右钩拳。
- The player suddenly charged at his opponent, making him drop the ball. 那球员突然向他的对手袭击,使对手把球丢了。
- He flung off his opponent thrice. 他把对手摔倒三次。
- He is slashing wildly at his opponent with a sword. 他正用剑疯狂地朝对手乱砍。
- His opponent did not stand a chance. 他的对手毫无取胜的机会。
- He wrestled his opponent to the floor/ground. 他把对手摔倒在地上。
- Charlie gave his opponent a good dusting. 查理把他的对手打得大败。
- He do all he can to clean up on his opponent. 他想方设法要击败他的对手。
- He landed his opponent one on the chin. 他朝他对手的下巴狠狠地打了一下。
- He sat glowering at his opponent. 他坐在那里怒视著对手。
- Lack of money handicapped him badly. 缺少资金严重地妨碍了他。
- The punch was aimed at his opponent's head. 那一拳是冲著对手的头打去的。
- They hooked him into paying for everybody's lunch. 他们耍花招,让他为本大家付午餐的确钱。