- His money lay idle in the bank. 他的钱?搁于银行里。
- Don't leave your money lying in the bank; spend it. 别把你的钱闲搁在银行里,用掉它。
- Don't keep your money lying in the bank; use it to earn interest. 不要把你的钱搁在银行里;要用它来挣得利润。
- During the business depression half the machines in the factory lay idle. 在商业萧条时期,这工厂的机器半数闲置在那里。
- He scraped out a hole in the wall to put his money in. 他在墙上挖了个洞把钱放了进去。
- The old man kept his savings in the bank. 老人把他的储蓄存在银行里。
- He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business. 他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。
- He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month. 他每月在银行存一笔钱。
- He drew out all his money from the bank. 他把存在银行里的钱都取了出来。
- I bet that he's lost all his money in the gamble. 我肯定他在赌博中输掉了所有的钱。
- The ship-which had lain idle in the dock for two years-was finally bought by a Chinese shipping company. (那艘船--就是在船坞閒置了两年的那艘--终于被一家中国船舶公司买下了。)
- He spent all his money in the past few years. 近几年他花光了所有的钱。
- He loses all his money in the recession. 在经济衰退中他损失了全部的钱。
- The money was kept in the bank's vault. 钱放在银行的保险库里。
- He put the whole of his money into the bank. 他把所有的钱都存进了银行。
- Mary opened an account in the bank. 玛丽在银行开了户头。
- A security guard was killed in the bank raid. 这次银行抢劫案中有一名保安遇害。
- He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在银行存了五千元。
- He regrets putting all his money in the company. 他后悔将所有的钱都投资于这家公司。
- I bet that he is lost all his money in the gamble. 我肯定他在赌博中输掉了所有的钱。