- His manner is too familiar. 他的态度太随便了。
- His manner is too familiar 他的态度太随便了。
- His manner is too loud. 他那样子太招摇。
- His manner is a factor in his success. 他的举止是他取得成功的一个因素。
- His manner is a blend of charm and politeness. 他的举止既充满魅力,又彬彬有礼。
- His manner is that of an onlooker. 他采取一种旁观者的态度。
- The child is too familiar with her father. 这孩子对她爸爸过于随便。
- His manner is a blend of friendliness and politeness. 他的态度是友好和礼貌的混合。
- His manner is cool, but in fact goodness is at heart. 他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他心地善良。
- His manners is beyond reproach I have never meet anyone so polite. 他的举止非常得体,我从未见过像他那麽彬彬有礼的人。
- His public speaking manner is still not very assured. 他演讲的神态还显出有点缺乏自信。
- His manner is too loud 他那样子太招摇.
- There is a noticeable coolness in his manner. 在他的举止中表现出一种明显的冷淡。
- He is too familiar with me. 他对我太随便。
- He's always making unwarranted accusations against others. His manner is intolerably aggressive. 他动不动就对别人横加指责,气势逼人。
- The children are too familiar with their teacher. 这帮小学生对老师过于随便。
- The boy is too young to wash his hands. 这小男孩儿太小还不会洗手。
- We can learn many things from Morandi’s manner and his marrow of his art and so on.Morandi’s manner is a point of this thesis.His conception of his art affected his manner. 论文以莫兰迪生活背景和社会环境为基础,从绘画题材的选择问题入手,引申出莫兰迪的绘画创作观念,并分析意大利传统绘画以及与莫兰迪同时代画家、画派对其作品风格形成的影响。
- The one who walks in the forefront is ping-pong Emperor Hundley, a body leisure appearance's his manner is relaxed, as if not the influence which makes a long journey. 走在最前面的是台球皇帝亨德利,一身休闲打扮的他神态轻松,似乎并未受长途旅行的影响。
- He is too poor to maintain his family. 他太穷了,无法养活家人。