- His head was stuck fast in the railings. 他的头卡在栅栏里动弹不得。
- His head was uncovered. 他光着头。
- He was hot and tired and his head was swimming. 他又热又累,头直发晕。
- His head was heaving with a bump at once. 他的头上立刻就鼓起了一个包。
- He was wounded in the leg and his head was hurt. 他腿受了伤,头部也受伤了。
- His head was reeling after the first dance . 第一次跳舞之后,他的头眩晕了。
- His head was swathed in bandages. 他的头用绷带缠着。
- His head was found in a driving wheel. 他的头颅被发现在飞驰的轮下。
- Over his head was borne a rich canopy. 有人擎着一顶华丽的华盖遮在他的头上。
- His head was crowned with a mop of brown curls. 他长了一头蓬乱的棕色鬈发。
- His head was protected by a helmet. 他戴一顶头盔保护头部。
- His head was round and set close on his shoulders. 他的脑袋很圆,几乎没有脖子。
- Around his head was a brown snake. 一条棕色的蛇缠住了他的头。
- As yet his head was empty of all thoughts. 他这时头脑里还是空洞洞的,什么念头也没有。
- His head was reeling after the first dance. 第一次跳舞之后,他的头眩晕了。
- His head was severed from his body. 他的头被从身体上切下来。
- His head was misshapen, his hair was askew. 他费力地找到三、四级台阶,上到讲台。
- My head was uncovered, my mittenless hands were clenched in my pockets, and a few of the clasps on my galoshes had worked loose. 我头上什么也没戴,没戴手套的双手紧握在口袋里,套鞋上的几个扣子也松开了。
- His head was bowed, his hands covering his eyes. 他低下了头,双手掩面。
- His head was itching too much from the grey wig. 他的脑袋因为那顶灰色的假发而变的很痒。