- His grammar is awful. 他的文法糟透了。
- His grammar is no better than mine. 他的语法同我的一样不好。
- His grammar is shocking. 他的文句糟极了。
- His grammar is appalling. 他运用语言的能力糟透了。
- His grammar is simply terrible. 他的文法简直糟糕。
- All this care about money is awful. 在钱上面煞费苦心太叫人吃不消。
- He slips now and then in his grammar. 他不时出一个语法错误。
- This place is awful like a dungeon! 这地方真要命,象个土牢!
- It is awful to be tied down like this. 受这样的束缚,简直叫人发疯。
- He has made two mistakes in his grammar. 他在语法上犯了两个错误。
- The way she puts out her garbage is awful! 她放垃圾的方法很差劲!
- Grammar is not that hard to reach. 文法也不是那么难以亲近.
- The feeling of buying assurance is awful. 用不上时痛苦,用上时更加痛苦。
- Benny: No, never. I think folk music is awful. 从没有。我认为民歌很烦。
- Grammar is essential to language. 语法对学习语言至关重要。
- The traffic sure is awful this time of day. 每天这个时候交通一定非常拥挤。
- The grammar is where the real work happens. 实际工作在语法中发生。
- Case grammar is proposed by Charles J. 美国语言学家Charles J.
- Is aw two men spying on me from behind a tree. 我看见两男子从树后窥视我的行动。
- English grammar is very complicated. 英语语法非常复杂。