- His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood. 他的慷慨在这一带是众所周知的。
- His generosity is proverbial. 他的慷慨是众所周知的。
- His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood 他的慷慨在这一带是众所周知的。
- His generosity is one of his good traits. 慷慨大方是他的好品质之一。
- Their generosity is proverbial. 他们的慷慨大度是众所周知的。
- His generosity to the poor is well known. 他对穷人的慷慨为人所熟知。
- His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest. 他貌似慷慨,不过是变相的利己而已。
- The general's devotion to his men is proverbial. 那位将军对士兵的爱护是有口皆碑的。
- Generosity is his first attribute. 宽大是他最主要的特质。
- The action speaks well for his generosity. 此举证明了他的慷慨大方。
- His generosity manifests itself in times of need. 他的慷慨在困境中表现了出来。
- It was a specimen of his generosity. 这是他慷慨大度的一个实例。
- I was overwhelmed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我感激难言。
- The jealousy of wives is proverbial. 太太们的善妒是众所周知的。
- Generosity is one of his best characteristics. 谦虚是他的优点之一。
- Their hospitality is proverbial. 他们的热情好客人人皆知。
- The jealousyof wives is proverbial. 太太们的善妒是众所周知的。
- His generosity led to the resolution of all our difficulties. 他的慷慨相助使我们的困难全都得以解决。
- He is remembered for his generosity and civilization. 他因慷慨和良好的教养而被人们怀念。
- Generosity is the flower of justice . 慷慨是正义之花。