- His eyes gleamed with greed. 他露出贪婪的目光。
- His eyes gleamed with relief and joy. 他两眼露出宽慰和喜悦的光芒。
- His eyes gleamed with a smart, evasive light. 他那对眼睛闪耀着一种灵活的难以捉摸的光芒。
- His eyes gleamed with amusement. 他眼睛里流露出愉悦的神情。
- His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm. 他的眼睛充满激情而微微发亮。
- His eyes gleamed with mischief, and he held his head high. 它的眼睛闪烁着恶作剧的神情,总是高高地昂着头。
- His eyes gleamed with what might have been taken for some inner illumination. 他的双眸流露出了他的内心世界。
- "I suppose you're right." he said, his eyes gleaming with emotion. “我看你是对的,”他说着,神情激动,眼睛闪光。
- "I suppose you're right," he said, his eyes gleaming with emotion. “我看你是对的,”他说着,神情激动,眼睛闪光。
- The Tsar's fine, mild face was flushed, and his eyes gleamed with energy and anger. 皇上那张俊秀的和霭的脸涨得通红、眼里射出意志坚定的愤怒的光芒。
- While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending forward in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes gleamed with a mild and, as it were, ironical light. 在士兵们正在欢呼雀跃的时候,库图佐夫在坐骑上俯下身子,低下了头,他的眼睛里闪烁出一种温情的、又仿佛是一种讥讽的亮光来。
- His eyes gleamed with pride. 他的眼睛里闪耀着自豪的光芒。
- Feng Yun-ching asked eagerly as he rose from the couch, his eyes gleaming with interest. 冯云卿慌忙问,立刻站了起来,听得很有兴味的神气也在他眉宇间流露出来了。
- At once Clemenza's eyes gleamed with suspicion. 克莱门扎的眼睛闪了闪,流露出怀疑的神色。
- His eyes gleamed with a smart, evasive light 他那对眼睛闪耀着一种灵活的难以捉摸的光芒。
- His eyes gleamed and Mrs. Meade bit her lip in a huff. 他得意地说着,眼睛闪闪发亮,把米德太太平得嘴唇都快咬破了。
- His small eyes gleamed with a green light, his whole face had a look as if he gnawed himself. 他的小眼睛闪着绿光,整个脸庞看上去就象自己在折磨着自己。
- The king's eyes gleamed with anger as he listened to the farmer's complaint. 国王听着农夫的控诉时,眼睛里闪出愤愤怒的光芒。
- Eyes gleaming with anticipation, excitement, etc. 流露著期待、激动等神情的眼睛
- His greed looked through his eyes. 从他的眼中透出一种贪婪。