- His cold stare disconcerted me 他冷峻的目光使我感到心神不安。
- Having heard what I said, James looked at me with cold stare. 听了我讲的话以后,詹姆斯冷然地瞪着我。
- He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate. 他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。
- By his cold and distant manners he holds off all who are not intimate with him. 他那冷淡的态度,使所有不熟悉他的人不敢接近他。
- The old woman looked at me with a cold stare, making me so frightened that I faced away from her. 这位老太太冷眼瞪着我,弄得我很害怕,于是我扭过脸去背对着她。
- His cold will clear up in a day or two. 他的感冒一两天就会好的。
- The old woman looked at me with a cold stare,making me so frightened that I faced away from her. 这位老太太冷眼瞪着我,弄得我很害怕,于是我扭过脸去背对着她。
- He was healthy enough to throw off his cold easily. 他很健康,很容易抗感冒。
- It took him a long time to get over his cold. 很久之后他的感冒才好。
- It was snowing outside, he pulled the curtain to the side, turned his neck a bit;his chillingly cold stare drew out the deepest fear in you. 那个镜头,他杀过人后,走出房间,外面是飘飞的雪花,他掀开门帘,下意识地扭动一下脖子,冰冷的眼神,真让人不寒而栗。
- John was confined to bed for a week with his cold. 约翰因感冒卧床一周。
- His cold character was molded by hardship. 艰难困苦锻炼了他那冷酷性格。
- I was embittered by his cold manner. 我对他冷淡的态度感到生气。
- He was confined to bed for a week with his cold. 他由于感冒而被限制在床上躺一个星期。
- She gave me a cold stare. 她给我一个冷冷的眼神。
- John did not help us because of his cold. 如果约翰不是得了重感冒,他会来帮助我们的。
- The sudden cold weather brought on his cold again. 天气突然变冷,使他再次感冒。
- Being out in the rain aggravated his cold. 淋雨使他的感冒恶化
- He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs. 他用中药来调治他的伤寒。
- His cold manner holds people off. 他的冷淡态度使人们不敢接近他。