- His bitter words struck home. 他的尖酸话说中了要处。
- We started abusing him, one conspirator after another adding his bitter words. 我们这几个预谋者一个接一个地咒骂他,恶狠狠地骂个不停。
- He struck home in his criticism of this social problem. 他对这个社会问题的批评击中了要害。
- He spoke a harsh, bitter word under his breath. 他小声地说了句不客气的挖苦话。
- His words struck fear in the listeners. 他的话在听众中引起惊恐。
- His words struck sparks out of his friend. 他的话引得朋友谈笑风生,妙语连珠。
- The full measure of his detachment had for the first time nearly struck home to me. 他完全的不偏不倚的态度第一次让我大为感动。
- Chang Su-su's frank words had struck home. 多么畅快的话!
- His words struck a familiar chord. 他的话听来耳熟。
- They were hard words, but they struck home. 那些话很严厉,但是击中了要害。
- His analysis really struck home. 他的分析的确是一针见血。
- It was only after his wife left him that it finally struck home to him how much he relied on her. 只有在他妻子离开他之后,才终于使他意识到自己是多么地离不开她。
- Everyone is yearning for the weather to change, after his bitter winter. 经过严酷的冬天,大家都渴望天气有所好转。
- These words struck a faint and unpleasant chord in his mind. 这些话在他心里引起了一种隐隐约约的不愉快的感觉。
- Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. 疾言厉色,色厉内荏。
- He harrowed her with his bitter story. 他讲心酸的往事使她伤心。
- Bitter words from you will only wound her. 出自你口中的尖刻话只会伤害她而已。
- He shuddered to think of his bitter past. 他每当想起辛酸的过去就不寒而栗。
- He shuddered to think of his bitter past. . 他每当想起辛酸的过去就不寒而栗。.
- The torpedo struck home on the hull of the ship. 鱼雷正击中船身。