- His affairs are in bad shape. 他的事很糟糕。
- His financial affairs are in bad condition. 他的经济状况很糟。
- His financial affairs are in such a tangle. 他的钱财是糊涂帐。
- "And if it backtracks from the promise, I want to say that this country is going to be in bad shape. 如果他们食言,我想说,这个国家的情况将会很糟糕。”
- His financial affairs are in a tangle. 他的财务一塌糊涂。
- His business affairs are in order. 他的业务情况良好。
- His affairs are in good shape. 他的事务处理的很好。
- Due to lack of transport, v ar and old-fashioned skullduggery, Manchuria's whole export trade was in bad shape. 战争,运输工具短缺,尔虞我诈的积弊,这一切使满洲整个出口贸易陷入绝境。
- I talked with one boy who tried unsuccessfully to swim and was in bad shape when he was pulled out of the lake. 我和另一个孩子谈过话,他怎么也学不会游泳,而且被从水里拖出来时已不像个样子。
- His financialaffairs are in bad condition. 他的经济状况很糟。
- Why did Charles leave so suddenly? All his affairs are up in the air. 查尔斯为何那样匆匆离去?他的事情还没有搞定呢。
- His affairs were not fettered with any incumbrance. 他的业务未与任何人发生纠葛。
- He was in pretty bad shape after his girlfriend broke up with him. 因为跟女朋友分手了,所以他的精神状况非常糟。
- The company's affairs are in a terrible mess. 这家公司的事务弄得一团糟。
- His financial affairs were in complete disorder. 他的钱财完全是一笔糊涂账。
- The actor was in bad with the audience. 这位演员不受观众的欢迎。
- His affairs are in a mess. 他的事务处于一团乱。
- He has been in bad odor with her for some time. 一段时间来他在她面前一直声誉不佳。
- Some of the theatres are in bad repute. 有几家戏院名誉扫地。
- His affairs were so difficult to understand that the lawyer had to ask accountant for advice. 他的事务是十分费解,于是律师们只好征求会计们的意见。