- Hippos have short legs. 河马的脚短短的。
- Pigs have short legs and big ears. 猪有短短的腿和大大的耳朵。
- Toads have shorter legs and are generally more clumsy than frogs. 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活。
- Beagles and bassets have short legs,so they can hunt in areas where the hushes are close to the ground. 猎兔犬和矮脚犬腿短小,它们能够在树丛贴近地面的地方捕猎。
- One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings. 毕尔格猎犬一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹
- Toads have shorter legs and are generally clumsier than frogs. 蟾蜍的腿比青蛙短,而且通常比青蛙丑。
- Toad have shorter leg and is generally more clumsy than frog. 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活。
- Lies have short legs. 谎言总是站不住脚的。
- A carnivorous mammal(Mellivora capensis) of Africa and Asia, having short legs and a thick coat that is dark below and whitish above. 蜜獾一种产于非洲和亚洲的肉食性哺乳动物,(蜜獾)腿短,皮毛厚,下暗上白
- Toad has shorter legs and is generally more clumsy than frog. 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活。
- One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, droopingears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings. 毕尔格猎犬一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹。
- Any of a breed of English draft horses of a chestnut color, having short legs and a thickset heavy body. 萨福克马英国马的一种,粟色、短腿、身体粗壮
- Armadillos can move quickly even though it has short legs and are good swimmer;able to last 6 minutes underwater. 虽然犰狳的腿很短,它们跑得却相当快,而且它们还是游泳能手,能在水下坚持六分钟之久。
- Fire crews have been called out four times to rescue a pony apparently stuck in the mud only to find that the animal simply has short legs. 之前,曾有路人四次报警要求解救一匹看上去被困在泥潭里的小马,结果消防人员发现那只是一匹矮脚马。
- Any of various stocky,coarse-furred,burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota,having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 土拨鼠,一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛分布于北半球。
- Any of various stocky, coarse - furred, burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota, having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 土拨鼠任一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛分布于北半球
- Any of various stocky, coarse-furred, burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota, having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 土拨鼠任一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛分布于北半球
- Any of various stocky,coarse - furred,burrowing rodents of the genus Marmota,having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽一种生长于南非的穴居哺乳动物(非洲土豚土豚属),身体粗壮且多毛,大耳朵,长有管状的鼻子和用来挖洞的强有力的爪子
- Any of various stocky, coarse-furred, burrowing rodents of the genusMarmota, having short legs and ears and short bushy tails and found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 土拨鼠:任一种土拨鼠属的粗胖的、皮毛粗糙的穴居啮齿动物,生有短腿短耳,尾短而多毛,广泛分布于北半球
- They have no eyes and have short, thick legs. 他们没有眼睛,有短、粗腿。