- Happiness of human society in the highest realm of popular. 快乐是人类社会众望所归的最高境界。
- Chinese literator landscape garden is the annotation of the traditional literator pursuing the highest realm of life. 文人园林,是中国传统文人追求人生至高精神境界的感性诠释。
- Interests that gave birth to a lot of things have to be pure, hoodwink the people's awareness,it was as if the spirit of love is the highest realm. 利益,催生了很多不纯粹的东西,催生了很多的浑浊不清,蒙蔽了人的心。让人以为精神上的恋爱才是最高境界。
- In one word, Jin Yong makes the kungfu novel reach a higher realm. 这也使得武侠小说达到了一种更高的境界。
- If a workshop is likened to a head of willing horse, “ without swagger from diligent horses running actively ” is the highest realm of management. 如果把车间比作一头耕耘的老黄牛,“无需扬鞭自奋蹄”便是管理的最高境界。
- If we can taste the the eudimania in the easy life, if we can see the whole world in a grain of sand, if we can realize the calm in the rattler of the pots and pans, well then we can reach the highest realm. 如果我们能够体会到这种平淡之中的幸福,能够在一粒沙中见世界,能够在锅碗瓢盆中品味出坦然,那么这就是生命中的一个大境界了。
- Along with gradually moralized of the sage, sage becomes the highest realm of ideal personality, while, the internal sage and external king is the politics ideality in ancient China. 随着“圣”的逐步道德化,圣最终被作为理想人格的最高境界,“内圣外王”是中国古代政治的理想。
- In the communist society ,there will be abundant material wealth ,and people will have a very high realm of thought and be able to develop themselves freely and in an all- round way. 共产主义社会,将是物质财富极大丰富,人民精神境界极大提高,每个人自由而全面发展的社会。
- In the communist society , there will be abundant material wealth , and people will have a very high realm of thought and be able to develop themselves freely and in an all- round way. 共产主义社会,将是物质财富极大丰富,人民精神境界极大提高,每个人自由而全面发展的社会。
- Soft angelic voices lift you into higher realms. 温柔的天使之音将领您提升到更高的领域。
- Little Mohe, the audience will lead to a higher realm, and began to explore more innovative. 小小魔盒,将会把玩家引领到一个更高的境界,开始更加崭新的探索。
- One of their own creation, the personal characteristics of the overall image is a higher realm. 创造一个属于自己的,有特色的个人整体形象才是更高的境界。
- As a result the beginning of 1991, designed the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Gehry has become "old age of 1898", jumped to a higher realm of creating an important opportunity. 于是1991年开始设计的毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆,成为盖里“晚年变法”,跃升到更高创作境界的重要契机。
- Ran Agen original into good heart, only to the hearts of social injustice and hatred flooded, but the bishop mercy, so he jumped from good and evil. reached a kind of a higher realm. 冉?阿让原本心进善良,只为社会的不公正而心中积满仇恨,但主教的仁慈,使他弃恶从善,达到了善良的更高境界。
- As a lightweight his skill is of the highest order. 作为轻量级拳击手,他的技术是第一流的。
- It is the core of a mage's Awakened consciousness, the means by which he can contact a higher realm. (His Arcanum lore provides the mechanism by which he draws down the laws of that higher realm. 灵知是法师觉醒意识的核心,他与上域沟通的方法。(法师的奥秘学识便是其引导上域法则的技巧。)
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。