- High current uranium beam 强流铀离子束
- Unrivalled Handling of Fast High Current Pulse. 可通过较大的脉冲电流。
- Features: Low VCE(sat), high hFE and high current. 特点:饱和压降低,放大高和电流大。
- The rapid surface alloying of AISI 316L stainless steel by high current pulsed electron beam(HCPEB) was investigated. 利用强流脉冲电子束对不锈钢表面进行了快速钛合金化。
- The high current and short bunch of the electron beam in the BEPCII injector linac cause the wakefield effects on the beam performance dilution. BEPCII直线注入器中的强流、短束团的尾场效应将损害束流的性能 .
- Change of Oxide Ceramics Microhardness under Action of High Current Pulsed Beam of Low Energy Electrons Surzhikov A.P.;Frangulyan T.S.;Ghyngazov S.A. 西昆仑-塔里木盆地盆-山结合带的中、新生代变形构造及其动力学崔军文;
- However, the space charge effect seriously limits the direct extraction a low-energy ion beam containing industrially-satisfied high current. 然而,由于空间电荷的累积效应,严重地限制了引出一具有高电流的低能量离子束。
- Stable electric arc can be ensured from undercurrent to high current. 从小电流到大电流都可以保持稳定电弧。
- Special techniques are required when switching high current or low current. 在切换大电流或小电流时,都需要专门的技术。
- Features: High current, low saturation voltage, low on resistance, high hFE . 特征:大电流,饱和压降低,输入阻抗低,直流电流增益高。
- The demands on the broad ion sources for material modification are described. The kaufman gas ion sources and the Electron beam evaporation metal ion source (EBE) of high current are emphasised. The RF, ECR, as well as MEVVA sources are also introduced. 本文叙述了对材料表面改性的宽束离子源的要求,重点介绍了考夫曼型气体离子源及电子束蒸发强流金属离子源,也介绍了RF、ECR离子源及MEVVA源。
- Yttriated Tungsten is primarily used in military and aviation industry with narrow arc beam,high compressing strength,highest welding penetration at medium and high current. 钇钨电极在焊接时,弧束细长,压缩程度大,尤其在中、大电流溶深最大,目前主要用于军工和航空航天工业。
- Both H-bridges can be paralleled for higher current operation. 两个半桥能并行进行更高电流操作。
- The influences of SEI and electrolyte conductance was investigated when lithium ion battery was discharged in high current. 研究了SEI膜及电解液电导率等对锂离子电池大电流放电性能的控制作用。
- Monte-Carlo-based design and evaluation of shielding for a low energy, high current accelerator facility used for neutron production. 以蒙地卡罗方法设计及评估对于产生中子的低能量、高流率的加速器设施屏壁防护。
- The process features simple operation, wide operating range, high current efficiency and fast deposition speed. 该工艺操作简单,工艺范围宽,电流效率高,沉积速度快。
- The f T is up to 7GHz at a DC bias of I C=40mA and V CE=8 V,which show high current handling capability. 在直流工作点 IC=4 0 m A ;VCE=8V测得 f T为 7GHz;表现出较大的电流处理能力 .
- Tin whisker growth at high current density was more than the one at lower current density. 实验结果显示,电流密度高的试片锡须生长数量较多于电流密度低的试片。
- Higher currents can be provided by paralleling channels. 高电流可由平行通道提供。