- Higashiyama Masayoshi 东山正芳(1908-),日本人,文学教授。
- Higashiyama, Higashiyama Tenno (jap. 东山天皇) - 113.
- Excerpt from a talk with Masayoshi Ohira, Prime Minister of Japan. (这是邓小平同志会见日本首相大平正芳时谈话的节录。)
- It is excerpted from a talk with Masayoshi Ohira,Prime Minister of Japan. 这是邓小平同志会见日本首相大平正芳时谈话的节录。
- A polar bear coated in hard-to-rinse-off algae gazes at gawking visitors to the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens. 一只在海藻生长过度的池塘里游过泳的北极熊,身上被海藻染成了绿色,很难清洗掉了。
- I first mentioned this to former Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira during his visit here in December 1979. 这是一九七九年十二月日本前首相大平正芳来访时我同他首次谈到的。
- November 1979, the second largest Tibetan Masayoshi Ohira Chief Cabinet official. 1979年11月,任第二次大平正芳内阁大藏政务次官。
- Japan's Monopoly, Softbank founder Masayoshi Son is also a major shareholder of Yahoo Japan. 日本最大富翁,软银创办人孙正义也是雅虎日本的大股东。
- Kaii higashiyama is an outstanding landscape painter and prose writer in Japan.His prose is a confession of not only his art philosophy, but also his life philosophy. 摘要东山魁夷是日本杰出的风景画家和散文家,他的散文既是艺术哲学的自白,也是人生哲学的自白。
- Oak Pacific also announced that Masayoshi Son, President and CEO of SOFTBANK Corp. will join its Board of Directors. 千橡公司还宣布了日本软银集团的总裁兼首席执行官孙正义将加入千橡公司的董事会。
- The main character (played by Higashiyama Noriyuki from the old JOHNNY's group shounentai) is a detective who has an endless appetite, and is constantly eating. 当美食与侦探联系在一起的时候,如果还是那般严肃和紧张,多多少少破坏了美味了呢,是不是呢?
- Shabani, who weighs 110kg, arrived in Japan from Sydney's Taronga Zoo in June.It is hoped that he might breed with one of Higashiyama Zoo's three female gorillas. 体重约110公斤的夏巴尼六月从澳洲雪梨的塔隆加动物园运抵日本,东山动物园方面希望牠可以与园内的三只母猩猩繁殖后代。
- The first investment in the Internet world, Japan's Softbank president Masayoshi Son has made it clear that China will put the focus of investment. 世界互联网投资第一人、日本软银董事长孙正义日前明确表示将把投资重心放到中国。
- SoftBank’s founder Masayoshi Son, Japan’s richest man (who says his company one day will rule the global web), doubles as Yahoo Japan’s chairman. 软银的创始人孙正义是日本最富有的人(他预言自己的公司有朝一日将主宰全球所有网站),从他成为雅虎日本的主席以来,资产增长一倍。
- Miyoshi a,Suzuki H,Masayoshi F,et al. Impairment of endothelial function in salt-sensitive hypertension in humans[J]. Am J Hypertens,1997,10:1083. 刘治全;牟建军;徐祥麟;等.;血胰岛素水平及盐敏感者与青少年高血压[J]
- Its founder and head, Masayoshi Son( pictured above), who owned38% of the company, looked as though he might overtake Bill Gates as the world's richest man. 它的创始人和领导者,孙正毅(上图)拥有公司38%25股份,看起来似乎即将赶超比尔-盖茨成为世界第一富豪。
- People tend to glamorize adventures.But not Masayoshi Murayama (1918-2006), who dedicated his life to Antarctic exploration and led winter expeditions to the polar region. 冒险往往被看着是一种壮举,但是把一生都献给南极的原南极越冬队队长村山雅美却不以为然。
- I said I completely understand this painting;there was no need for me to make any poems.She has truly inherited the teaching of Kaii Higashiyama and completely understood the water in this lake. 我说,我看懂了这画,我不必要再作诗了,她真是东山魁夷的弟子,是最深知这兴庆宫公园的湖水了。
- Softbank, Masayoshi Son, chairman and president, IDG Xiongxiao pigeons, attended the second summit of the Asia-Pacific SMEs have expressed support of guests. 软银董事长兼总裁孙正义、IDG熊晓鸽等出席第二届亚太中小企业峰会的嘉宾均对此表示力挺。