- Hidano Tadashi 肥田野直(1920-),日本人,心理学教授。
- Tadashi says that Akira can't stay mad like this for very long, either. 宙说明不可能长时间的一直这样生气。
- When Tadashi hears what's happened to Akira, he looks all too excited about it. 当宙听到明身上所发生的事情,他看上去很兴奋。
- Ryu says it's Tadashi's fault because he rejected the food that Akira made. 宙反驳他并把错归咎到龙和双胞胎姐妹身上。
- S. Shin-ini, K. Minoru, K. aiko and I. Tadashi, “Immersive InterSpace System,” NTT R&D, Vol. 47, pp. 495-500 (1998). 郑薇芬,“改良式超音波头控摇杆系统之研制”,硕士论文,逢甲大学自动控制工程研究所,2004年。
- A class.Akira totally revolts.She tosses over the lunch table, furious at Tadashi for some reason. 明彻底暴走,她掀翻了餐桌,为了某些原因对着宙狂发怒。
- This paper discusses Suzuki Tadashi's theatrical theories by analyzing his works. 本论文藉由对于铃木忠志的作品分析,来检证他的戏剧理论。
- She says that everyone has various reasons fordoing what they do during lunch time, except Tadashi. 她说除了宙以外,每个人在午餐时间的所作所为都是有很多原因的。
- Akira, still doing her nails, says she'd be a little more happy if she could make the 3 idiot men pay for what they did (Tadashi, Kei, Ryu). 明仍然弄着她的指甲说:如果她能让那3个白痴男人(宙,彗,龙)为自己做出的事而受到报应的话,他会高兴点的。
- Eiichi T,Michihiko N,Tadashi Y.Optimal size and location planning of public logistics terminals[J].Transportation Research,1999,35(3). 姚志刚;刘志凯;张三省.;物流园区规模确定方法探讨[J]
- Tadashi Nakatsuka.Reduction of magnetic anomalies to and from an arbitrary surface[J].Geophysical Exploration,1981,34(5):6. 侯重初;蔡宗熹;刘奎俊.;从偶层位出发建立曲面上的位场转换解释系统[J]
- Fucheng Liao, Tadashi Egami, Takeshi Tsuchiya, Design of Digital Optimal Preview Servo Systems, Beijing Mathematics, Vol. 1, 135-153, 1995. 多输入多输出线性控制系统的简单极点配置算法,信息与控制,1995年第6期。
- Yoshio Sato,Akira Noda,Tadashi Sakamoto.Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics in a DI Methanol Engine Using Supercharging with EGR[C].SAE Paper 971647,1997. 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气污染物现值及测试方法[S].
- Tadashi Shuibakawa, Min-Sheng Hung, and Masao Washizu*, "Laser-induced Local Decomposition of a Chromosome and DNA Stretching by Electroosmotic Flow", The 10th Symposium on Chemistry and Micro-Nano-System, Takamatsu, Japan, 25-26 November (2004). 洪敏胜*,朱菀婷,郭婷勋,陈柏嘉,艾群,"细胞裂解与DNA萃取之研究",第九届奈米工程暨微系统技术研讨会,台南,11月10-11日(2005).
- Ceccarelli, who is responsible for the fitness and healthcare of the entire team, was joined by drivers Jarno Trulli and Timo Glock, Toyota team President John Howett and chairman Tadashi Yamashina. 切卡雷利,谁负责的健身和医疗保健的整个团队,也加入了车手特鲁利和格洛克,丰田车队主席约翰豪威特和主席山科忠。
- Suzuki Tadashi's distrust to the text and the desire to destruct the function of the role are deeply rooted to his repulsion of Japan's westernization started since Meiji Restoration. 而铃木忠志这种对于文本的不信任以及破坏欲望,皆根植于战后日本对于明治维新以来日本的西化运动之反动。
- Hikari assures Akira that they didn't mean any harm, and Akira understands that. She says that everyone has various reasons fordoing what they do during lunch time, except Tadashi. 光对明说他们并没有恶意,明也明白。她说除了宙以外,每个人在午餐时间的所作所为都是有很多原因的。
- Yen B.K. and Tadashi Ishihara, “An investigation of friction and wear mechanisms of carbon-carbon composites in nitrogen and air at elevated temperature”, Carbon, Vol.34, pp.489-498, 1996. 高伟王民,石墨化处理对碳/碳复合材料机械及磨润性质之影响,国立成功大学材料科学及工程研究所硕士论文,2007年。
- The Japanese side will be president of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations Fujio Mitarai, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, director Tadashi Okamura, such as about 20 people attended. 日方将由日本经济团体联合会会长御手洗富士夫、日本商工会议所所长冈村正等约20人出席。
- Hidano 肥田野(姓,日本)