- Heterochaete roseolan. 粉红刺皮耳
- A typo recedit flora alba, non roseola. Typus: 路莲0305001,存放于玉渊潭公园。
- Because what how the roseola that go out and brings about handles doesn't sweat fluid summer excrete? 由于汗液夏天排泄不出而导致的红疹怎么处理的?
- Roseola of very much red bag rose on the body, lie between paragraph of time very urticant, why? 身上起了很多红包红疹,隔段时间便很痒,为什么呢?
- They found that most babies infected with the HHV-6 virus, which causes roseola, had the virus integrated into their chromosomes. 他们发现很多感染HHV-6病毒的婴儿患有红疹,并且病毒整合进了他们的染色体中。
- On the face very urticant, long roseola (do not look not carefully, but flinch a few times apparent) , still have slight desquamate appearance, how to do? 脸上很痒,长红疹(不仔细看看不出,但挠几下就很明显),还有轻微的脱皮现象,怎么办?
- It is a herpes virus that causes roseola -- an infection marked by high fever and the usual vague virus symptoms that may include respiratory or stomach problems. 疱疹病毒一般会导致红疹,这种感染是伴随着高热和不大明确的病毒症状比如可能是呼吸道和胃肠疾病。
- How did child cold eat the head Bao that the doctor opens to overcome roseola of occurrence diarrhoea of oxime grain medicine to wait for harmful response to should do? 孩子感冒吃了医生开的头孢克肟颗粒药出现腹泻红疹等不良反应该怎么办?
- Many people tired one day later will spread the facial mask, on the face presents the roseola, the stabbing pain condition immediately, will be this truth. 很多人在累了一天后敷面膜,脸上立刻会出现红疹、刺痛的状况,就是这个道理。
- Febrile seizures are often triggered by a fever from a common childhood illness such as roseola, a viral infection that causes a high fever, swollen glands and a rash. 发烧痉挛通常由这些小孩子的疾病引发,诸如红疹,病毒感染,扁桃体发炎以及皮疹。
- Having a kind of skin kind that makes a person sympathize with most is sensitive model skin, this type is incidental when seasonal changeover sensitive phenomenon, occurrence roseola. 有一种最令人同情的肌肤类型就是敏感型肌肤,这个类型在季节转换时轻易发生敏感现象,出现红疹。
- roseola infantilis, roseola infantum, exan-thema subitum 婴儿玫瑰疹
- Heterochaete chrysocystidiatan. 黄囊体刺皮耳
- Heterochaete cretacean. 白垩刺皮耳
- Heterochaete delicatan. 柔美刺皮耳
- Heterochaete discolorn. 异色刺皮耳
- Heterochaete livido-fuscan. 暗蓝刺皮耳
- Heterochaete mussooriensisn. 莫索尼刺皮耳
- Heterochaete ogasawarsimensisn. 小笠原刺皮耳
- Heterochaete pengiin. 彭氏刺皮耳