- Here is an unoccupied seat. 这有一个空位。
- Here is an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well. 这里有一个旧式水泵可从井里抽水。
- My third acquaintance here is an apothecary's assistant. 我在这里的第三个熟人是个药剂师助理。
- Here is an asylum for the care of mentally ill or destitute people. 这儿是一家照顾精神病患者和赤贫人员的收容所。
- Here is an Italian e-commerce company named kael. 我们是意大利一家电子商务公司.
- Here is an application form remittance. 这里有一张汇款申请书。
- Here is an example of how extremes may meet. 这里是极端状况下的一个例子。
- Here is an embryonal carcinoma of the testis. 睾丸胚胎癌,上方是正常的睾丸的边缘。
- Here is an HTML screenshot of the working JSP page. 这里有一个关于JSP页面工作的例子。
- The fourth param here is an array of options. 第四个参数是一个选项数组。
- Here is an example how to make a screenshot ! 这是一个怎样拷贝屏幕的例子!
- Here is an example of a destructor implementation. 下面是析构器实现的例子。
- Here is an editorial about cutting down on pollution. 这是一篇关于减少污染的社论。
- Here is an exhibition of unearthed historical relics. 这里是出土文物展览。
- Here is an asylum for the care of mentally ill or destitutepeople. 这儿是一家精神病院。
- Marco, here is an easy psychological test. Are you interested? 这有个简单的心理测试,你有没有兴趣?
- Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus. 这里是扩张支气管内的一个曲霉菌真菌球。
- Here is an actual electron micrograph of a platelet. 这是血小板的电镜图。
- Here is an application form for remittance. Please fill it out. 这是一张汇款申请条,请填写好。
- Here is an Unplugged Project sent in by blog reader Tamara. 在这里我们要介绍一项由博客读者塔玛拉提供的“不插电”游戏。