- Here are the cold dishes. 这是冷盘。
- Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- Here are the chairs. Tell me which are worth buying. 就是这些椅子。告诉我买哪几把好。
- Thank you very much. Here are the luggage checks. 非常感谢,这是我们的行李牌。
- A small cave was the only refuge from the cold. 小洞穴是唯一的避寒处。
- Here are the samples. Which do you like best? 这些是样品,您最喜欢哪一种?
- Here are the snaps of the parade. 这些是游行队伍的快照。
- Here are the top 10 ways to have a happier workday. 试试下面的10大方法,让你拥有更快乐的工作日。
- Here were the high and low, slaves and masters. 这里高低贵贱的人都有,有奴隶,也有主人。
- Here are the medicine and the change. 这是药和找的钱。
- Here are the good fairies.They want to help Aurora. 好心的仙女在这儿。他们想帮助爱洛。
- Here are your cold dishes, sir. 先生,这是您的冷盘。
- ACT II Here are the fliers, hot off the press! 传单来了,刚刚印出来!
- If you haven't seen Gump yet, here are the basics. 如果你还没有看过这部电影,下面就是基本情节。
- Small cave was the only refuge from the cold. 小洞穴是唯一的避寒处。
- OK, here are the ten thousand yuan. 好的。这是一万元人民币。
- It was the coldest winter on record. 那是有史以来最冷的冬天。
- It was the coldest winter within living memory. 在当今人们的记忆中那是最冷的一个冬天。
- Dazed, be the symptom of the cold giddily? 头昏,眼花是不是感冒的症状?