- Heracleum hemsleyanum Michx. [医] 牛尾独活
- Keywords Supercritical CO2 extraction;Microwave extraction;Heracleum hemsleyanum Diels;Volatile oil; 超临界CO2萃取;微波萃取;牛尾独活;挥发油;
- Heracleum hemsleyanumn. 独活
- Heracleum hemsleyanum Diels 川鄂独活
- heracleum hemsleyanum michaux 独活
- Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg. 三叶青
- Taxonomic notes on the genus Schisandra Michx. 五味子属植物的分类学订正。
- Name: Aconitum hemsleyanum Pritz. 别名;
- Heracleum yungningense Hand.-Mazz. 永宁独活
- Research Progress and Wild Germplasm of Les pedeza Michx. 胡枝子属植物野生种质资源及其研究进展。
- Development of Lactic Acid Beverage with Rosa laevigata Michx. 金樱子乳酸饮料的研制。
- Asimina parviflora (Michx 。) Dunal - Smallflower Pawpaw. 南方的州从 得克萨斯 弗吉尼亚.
- OBJECTIVE To summarize the research progress on Ampelopsis Michx. 目的介绍蛇葡萄属植物的研究概况及展望其开发前景。
- RAPD Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Wild Population of Lespedeza Michx. 胡枝子属植物野生居群遗传多样性RAPD分析。
- Any of certain coarse, weedy plants of the genera Ambrosia, Erigeron, or Heracleum. 猪草各种杂草或粗糙的肠草,正蓬或独河属植物
- Any of certain coarse,weedy plants of the genera Ambrosia,Erigeron,or Heracleum. 猪草各种杂草或粗糙的肠草,正蓬或独河属植物
- Abstract : The genera of Ferula and Heracleum both are very important pharmaceutical plant of Umbelliferae. 摘要 : 阿魏属和独活属都是伞形科中具有重要药用价值的植物。
- The pollen pictures of Ferula and Heracleum are taken under optical microscope and scan electrical microscope (SEM), respectively. 结果表明,阿魏属花粉形状为长球形,而独活属花粉为超长球形;
- Abstract: Isozyme zymograms of peroxidase and esterase from seeds of two species of Lespedeza Michx were tested by adopting PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). 摘 要: 本文采用聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳法测定两种胡枝子种子的酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶酶的谱。
- The precessing technology and compositions of a drink that made from Rosa Laevigata Michx fruit and bamboo leaf as main materials was investigated by orthogonal experimental. 摘要以金樱子、竹叶萃取汁为主要原料,应用正交试验方法,研究了金樱子、竹叶复合饮料的生产工艺和配方。