- Her routine was invariable. 她的日常生活总是千篇一律。
- The very sameness of the day's routine was tiring. 每天的日程千篇一律,令人厌倦。
- Interior decoration, upholster cannot be invariable. 室内装饰,家具装饰不可能一成不变。
- The daily routine was blurred to me and I never quite grasped it. 我弄不清楚日常工作,始终也没怎么明白过来。
- To be invariably right was her single wifely failing. 作为妻子,她惟一的缺点就是能在任何时候都不做错事。
- As a cleaning woman,her routine daties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor. 作为一个清洁女仆,她的职责包括整理桌子和拖地。
- Sure enough, as she came down to land the somersault that opens her routine, her right foot slipped off the edge of the 4-inch beam. 果然,当她翻上平衡木开始比赛时,右脚滑落了仅4英寸的平衡木。
- Mrs.Castel was invariably standing there on the porch waiting for her son. 卡斯尔夫人总是站在门廊上等儿子。
- The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything smacked of pop culture. eriod. 伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。
- His dance routine was elegant, graceful and entertaining, befitting his image for the night. 张栋梁的舞姿优雅,自然,令人赏心悦目,和当晚他的造型完美结合!
- The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything smacked of pop culture. 很明显我们没法跟北京搞出的壮观场面好点,但我想那些舞蹈和俩歌手的表演都很令人遗憾。
- The routine was that Alice made dinner because she got home first ever since her demotion from accountant to glorified messenger. 他们家的惯例是艾丽丝做晚饭,因为自打她从会计降成了名字很好听的信使后,都是她先到家。
- The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything **ked of pop culture. Period. 伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。
- Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one, Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own. 尽管这条路线比从前的更费钱更累,但马克知道在苏姗能独立乘车前这只是个时间问题。
- Wives say that men are invariably children at heart. 妻子们说男人实际上永远是孩子。
- When I dealt with the media it was invariably at Nixon's request. 我与新闻界打交道无不是应尼克松的要求去做的。
- Although this routine was even more costly and exhausting than the previous one,Mark knew it was only a matter of time before Susan would be able to ride the bus on her own. 尽管这条路线比从前的更费钱更累,但马克知道在苏姗能独立乘车前这只是个时间问题。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- It is abtained that these local paracompactnesses are invariable under some order homomorphism. 这些局部仿紧性在某种序同态下是保持不变的。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。