- Her writing was elegant. 她的文章优美。
- Her style of writing was elegant. 她的文章优美。
- One might add, her writing was so unfinished despite her genius. 我们还可以加上一句,尽管她有那样的才华,写出来的东西却那样未经推敲。
- She now knew beyond a doubt that her writing was but a thin echo of a dead man's. 她现在绝不怀疑,她的文章只不过是一个亡灵的微弱的回声。
- Her house was elegant and her table danity. 她的房舍典雅,而且饭菜讲究。
- She was elegant to her fingertips. 她从上到下都很优雅。
- She doesn't earn much from her writing. 她写作得到的收入不多。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- She was elegant,walking with a sweet smile on her face. 她走起路来姿态优雅,脸上挂着甜甜的微笑。
- His maiden attempt at writing was in1931. 他初次尝试写作是在1931年。
- Her writing desk was within her reach. 她的写字台就在她的手边。
- Her writing style was reminiscent of ancient classical writers. 她的写作风格使人联想到古代的古典作家。
- She is always on the edge of the main literature, and the evaluation of criticism mostly accredits her as a womenfolk"s author, and other aspect of her writings are not be paid attention. 也正由于非常独特的创作个性,她始终处于主流文学的边缘。
- Dear me, let us be elegant or die. 天啊!还是让咱们时髦吧,否则,吾宁死。
- She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills. 她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
- People consider purple to be elegant color. 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。
- Be elegant and with nice personality. 举止优雅、个人性格好。
- She lives on the meager income from her writing. 她靠写作那点微薄的收入生活。
- The desire to write was stirring in him again. 他心中又产生了写作的愿望。
- Her impression with regard to Isabel's writing was quite illusory. 关于伊莎贝尔的写作,她完全是凭空捏造的。